Pokemon GO! (2016)

How are you supposed to fight at gyms when the Pokemon there are at 1500cp, I think my best is 450 odd (level 9 iirc). Doesn't this effectively close off part of the game to low level players?

I fought at one gym earlier this week and won but didn't get the gym just knocked them down some points - no reward at all for having to revive loads of pokemon. Went back yesterday to find the huge cp defending guys and got no chance of fighting at that gym anytime soon.
Reading all this has me a little miffed so far

Level 14, yet what I get from the egg's or catch is like 300-400 cp at best.

My Best is a 776 Hypno :( and that I evolved and powered myself

What am I doing wrong?

Nothing, I'm level 22, so my egg hatches give me stronger pokemon.

~700cp is about right for your level, and most people start with Hypnos as their most powerful due to the prevalence of Drowzees in the UK.

Best bet is to hunt those Eevees and get the most out of the Vaporeon meta until they readjust/nerf the hell out of it :D
How are you supposed to fight at gyms when the Pokemon there are at 1500cp, I think my best is 450 odd (level 9 iirc). Doesn't this effectively close off part of the game to low level players?

I fought at one gym earlier this week and won but didn't get the gym just knocked them down some points - no reward at all for having to revive loads of pokemon. Went back yesterday to find the huge cp defending guys and got no chance of fighting at that gym anytime soon.

Even high CP defenders can succumb to an organised attack. 3 friends attacking with 1000CP at the same time will still win against a 1500CP.

Alternatively, you can go about bolstering your own team's gyms and get your pokemon in them.
It's quite depressing seeing the variety of Pokemon at Santa Monica Pier, compared to where I live where it's the same 7-8 Pokemon max
I know we mostly knew this but the rarity/quality of Pokemon is soheavily driven by user numbers.

Sat in a remote hotel working but luckily it had 2 overlapping pokestops with nothing spoiling I lured them both and popped an incense whilst I worked. With me, probably, being the only player around I had a 30min **** dump of Rattata, Pidgey, Drowzee and the odd Spearow/Weedle. Best thing I saw was an Evee.

But disappointed as I hoping for a half decent haul, I'm not one calling for them to move all Pokemon into the wilds but the quality of Pokemon shouldn't be solely determined by player numbers. More remote ones should perhaps even have a boost to get people visiting them whilst keeping the cities as stocked as they are.

On the plus side level 12 and have a Hypno, Rattata, Pidgeot and Fearow all 700+ CP which I'm happy with :)
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Watching this Pokemon location map it's interesting how little variety there seems to be. I'm covering almost my entire town and have seen little of interest beyond the common Pidgeys, Rattatas, Weedle, Caterpie etc. There's a few uncommon ones about like Clefairy and Geodude, and the best so far being a single Aerodactyl, a Hitmonchan and a Persian.

There's probably 15-20 regular species and everything else is rare.

The spawns never seem to be longer than 15 minutes maximum so it's possible I'm missing a lot of stuff between refreshes, but with such a short duration anyway it makes use of such a map largely pointless unless you can drop everything and run :p
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Watching this Pokemon location map it's interesting how little variety there seems to be. I'm covering almost my entire town and have seen little of interest beyond the common Pidgeys, Rattatas, Weedle, Caterpie etc. There's a few uncommon ones about like Clefairy and Geodude, and the best so far being a single Aerodactyl, a Hitmonchan and a Persian.

There's probably 15-20 regular species and everything else is rare.

The spawns never seem to be longer than 15 minutes maximum so it's possible I'm missing a lot of stuff between refreshes, but with such a short duration anyway it makes use of such a map largely pointless unless you can drop everything and run :p

Time of day also seems to be a factor. At night I see pokemon in the area that I never see during the day (going by the semi unreliable Nearby status). Use the map at night and see if you see "new" pokemons. The ones I noticed were ghost and poison types.

Having said that, if you live on a small Island (Any Jersey players on OcUK?), I can't see how this game would be fun beyond a few more weeks as you literally have no option to "catch 'em all", which to some extent is the end game. I am on a small island at the moment and I have only seen about 20 different ones. Spoke to some local youths who live here and they confirmed this (mostly water type), they reckon their only chance to get different ones will be when they go on vacation to a different country!

I think you still lower a gyms prestige some by beating only 1 Pokemon. Unless you're completely out matched then it's usually possible to take the weakest Pokemon 6vs1.
Indeed. I saw (and participated ;) ) with some players who were all like level 5-7 (team yellow) and they took down a Level 6 gym with 1000CP pokemon in about 5 mins. Then they powered it up by trainingto level 4 just as quick and all left their best pokemon there. Of course a group of other kids from team Red came by and took it back (probably the original owners!!) but it's all fun! They gained a lot more XP than I did as I had higher level pokemon.

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Claimed my first gym, I'm guessing you don't get instant rewards apart from xp?

You can "claim" a bonus at anytime, but then must wait minimum of 21 hours before you can claim again. So I thin you can claim it right now (be quick before you lose the gym!). Got shop and press the shielf icon in the top right hand corner. If the shield has 0 in it you can't press it and if you pressed it less than 21 hours ago a timer is shown before the burron is active again.

It's a bit confusing so i can give a better explanation if you don't get it!

iirc the bonus is 20 coins for every gym you are the "owner of" (highest CP pokemon) and 10 if you are not the highest. Also 500 stardust per pokemon at a gym.

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Damn I walked away thinking I couldn't claim and it's now gone :p

Might wander back later and win it back, the person I took it off has taken it back and only has a single 523cp Flareon on it.

Cheers for the tip! :)
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