Pokemon GO! (2016)


Decided to get one. Not just for the game, but it'll help :)

Very nice indeed. I have the same one, very impressed by it. Also bought one of Anker's Thunderbolt cables, works like a charm!

Spent £2. Don't see a massive need to spend anything at the moment with it being so popular you can just leech off everyone else's lures :p


If you know where to go, you don't need to spend a penny! The fact stops are littered everywhere, you can farm them for balls if you start running low.

I got a 15/15/15 Kingler. 100% stats.

Very nice indeed. I'm looking forward to next week when I can get out and about again. My OOH for Thursday is being covered so heading to Bath after work to start topping up my 50k needed for lvl 22.

Pidgy grinding, here I come :p
what is this 15/15/15 stat everyone is talking about??

Am i Pokemon'n wrong??

I also have no idea where people are getting these pokemon 'stats' from? I can't see them in the game?

Best bet is to go read the SilphRoad subreddit.

All Pokemon have 3 base stats:

Stamina determines HP.
The combination of all 3 stats determine CP, however they have different weighting, so for a Bulbasaur ATT and DEF contribute more to the overall CP than STA does.

So all squirtles have the same base stats, but then each of them will also have randomised bonus values or IVs (Individual Values) for each stat from 0-15, and those get added each time you power up a pokemon, and determine the additional CP you get when powering up.

So a level 40 (pokemon levels do actually exist in the background) Blastoise with 15/15/15 IVs will have a much higher CP than a level 40 one with 1/1/1. IVs basically determine the maximum potential of a pokemon's stats. Most people that are aware of all of this try to aim for pokemon with 80%+ potential (basically their IVs add up to 36 or more).

So you could have say a 300cp Eevee who happens to have 15/15/15 IVs who is only half way up their CP arc, that when maxed will actually be stronger than another Eevee you have that is 600cp but with 9/9/9 IVs.

Highest CP isn't always to ones you should keep basically.

To add to that though, moveset is more important than IVs.

Perfect IVs only offer a circa 10% improvement over average stats, whereas certain moves can have 4 times the DPS of others.

Perfect IVs cannot save you from a bad moveset.
Best bet is to go read the SilphRoad subreddit.

All Pokemon have 3 base stats:

Stamina determines HP.
The combination of all 3 stats determine CP, however they have different weighting, so for a Bulbasaur ATT and DEF contribute more to the overall CP than STA does.

So all squirtles have the same base stats, but then each of them will also have randomised bonus values or IVs (Individual Values) for each stat from 0-15, and those get added each time you power up a pokemon, and determine the additional CP you get when powering up.

So a level 40 (pokemon levels do actually exist in the background) Blastoise with 15/15/15 IVs will have a much higher CP than a level 40 one with 1/1/1. IVs basically determine the maximum potential of a pokemon's stats. Most people that are aware of all of this try to aim for pokemon with 80%+ potential (basically their IVs add up to 36 or more).

So you could have say a 300cp Eevee who happens to have 15/15/15 IVs who is only half way up their CP arc, that when maxed will actually be stronger than another Eevee you have that is 600cp but with 9/9/9 IVs.

Highest CP isn't always to ones you should keep basically.

I read the subreddit, and now i think im even more confused! :rolleyes:
I dont have a gyroscope on my phone, Pokeman still works but is the VR/Gyroscope essential or just an extra feature ?

You don't need to enable AR (is just uses the camera) and it can be switched off which saves battery and uses and animation for catching Pokemon. As for Gyro, you only need GPS to be enabled.
I read the subreddit, and now i think im even more confused! :rolleyes:

Each pokemon type has a set of base stats.

So ALL Exeggcute have the same base stats.

Pokemon: Exeggcute
His base stats are 110/132/120 (Atk/Def/Sta)

Every Exeggcute will have it's own Individual Stats (IVs) for Atk/Def/Sta ranging from 0-15

Using the base stats and IV stats, the pokemon's HP and CP are calculated:

HP = (Base Stam + Stam IV) * Lvl(CPScalar)

CP = (Base Atk + Atk IV) * (Base Def + Def IV)^0.5 * (Base Stam + Stam IV)^0.5 * Lvl(CPScalar)^2 / 10

So as you can see, having an additional 0-15 points in each stat to be factored in whenever you power up a pokemon, means that those with higher IVs will have higher CP.

Of 2 pokemon of the same level, one with 15/15/15 IVs will have around 10% more CP than one with 8/8/8 IVs.
I read the subreddit, and now i think im even more confused! :rolleyes:

Best bet is type in "Pokemon go IV calculator" in Google. There are a few you can use to do it for you, don't bother trying to understand it, just let them tell you what your Pokemon is rated then use it :p

Out of interest has anyone caught a high IV Pidgey, Rattata or Weedle? I catch so many of them bust best I have had for all 3 is a 62% Weedle. Everything seems to be sub 30%

STA: 7.4
ATT: 6.35
DEF: 6.35

STA: 2.5
ATT: 9.45
DEF: 9.45

Best I have currently...


STA: 11.06
ATT: 7.95
DEF: 7.95
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Best bet is type in "Pokemon go IV calculator" in Google. There are a few you can use to do it for you, don't bother trying to understand it, just let them tell you what your Pokemon is rated then use it :p

Out of interest has anyone caught a high IV Pidgey, Rattata or Weedle? I catch so many of them bust best I have had for all 3 is a 62% Weedle. Everything seems to be sub 30%

ok, so what rating is relevant, and what do i need to pay attention to?

My Hypno for example
So there are better ones for attacking gyms and different ones for defending. Is there a list anywhere of which are better for which?

Snorlax > Vap > Dragonite > Lapras / Golem / Blastoise / Slowbro

Golem/Slowbro/Blastoise are better suited to defending than attacking, but Snorlax/Vap/Dragonite/Lapras excel in both roles (especially with the right moveset)
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