Pokemon GO! (2016)

Stop getting hung up on IVs, the difference between a Pokémon with 0 IVs and 15, is like 5% effectiveness.
The % at the top is what you are after. So an average of 52% highest 75% means it's really not very good. I don't spend time on anything unless it is 80%+

So the closer the average is to the highest percentile is worth investing in?

So my Hypno is deemed average?
True :p

Makes it more interesting though as there is so little to do in the game min/maxing adds a little more interest.


Gyms aren't worth the effort anymore.
Everything except gyarydos and dragonite I have that spawns around me now.

All kind of seems a bit lacklustre.

The games on game boy were much more interesting over the long term than this.

Because battling isn't a big thing there isn't much to do
Because type, iv, damage doesn't really matter and only dps for basic move and cp matter there isn't much point of trying to get pokemon outside the best

In the main game you needed a balanced team.. Here you just need 6 snorlax or whatever is strongest and you're done.

Anyone else. Starting to outgrow it's?
Thought I would be hooked for a long time
Didn't even have game out on lunch time walk
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I think because I'm not looking for the doing the gym stuf etc, I am still enjoying it.

Currently at level 17 now (did a hour on dinner just relaxing on the benchs near work were we have 4 stops right outside with about 2-300 people jsut sat out enjoyign lunch playing itso a constant stream of them coming in.

Nothing mega special jsut lots of pifgion's, ducks, drowzees etc - a few specials like mewoth etc.

Very pleasent way to chill on lunch - all its missing is the interactive side with other players nearby
If I catch a less common pokemon (like a pikachu), is it likely it will show up in the same place multiple times a day or once per day, or does it not work like that?


Gyms aren't worth the effort anymore.
Everything except gyarydos and dragonite I have that spawns around me now.

All kind of seems a bit lacklustre.

The games on game boy were much more interesting over the long term than this.

Because battling isn't a big thing there isn't much to do
Because type, iv, damage doesn't really matter and only dps for basic move and cp matter there isn't much point of trying to get pokemon outside the best

In the main game you needed a balanced team.. Here you just need 6 snorlax or whatever is strongest and you're done.

Anyone else. Starting to outgrow it's?
Thought I would be hooked for a long time
Didn't even have game out on lunch time walk

I'm still enjoying it as I still have loads to collect etc so still happily playing away but I know when I start hitting the "really rare only" wall and it's impossible to find stuff I will probably chuck it in as there is nothing else to do apart from collect right now.

Gyms are ok but those in quieter areas like where I'm from are a nightmare as they are dominated by a six stack, high level death team that is unshiftable whereas in inner city there are enough to wear it down.

I'm actually a little worried as the talk on future content was just more Pokemon, modifiable pokestops and breeding. All interesting not any sort of substantial content.

All in all though I am quite content right now.
This is taken just outside the city park, at 7pm ish on a day where it was 33C last sunday. At the top of the picture you see 4 very close pokestops with Lures, there was about 200 people in that area all playing pokemon, all seated there for the long haul! I have walked past there again since then and those 4 pokestops always have Lures on them! I spent about 40 minutes there and captured about 70-80 pokemon!


There are currently softbans in place, my gf was subject to this when I logged in to her account from the other side of London to drop her in a gym I just took over.

Turns out it is against the ToS, and effectively GPS spoofing, so she was unable to catch any pokemon or spin any pokestops for an hour. Won't be doing that again, oops!
Check out Nox app player.

So I have all my magikarp candy but like I said only a level 136 karp at level 20. Should I evolve now or keep chasing the buggers for a better one?
Check out Nox app player.

So I have all my magikarp candy but like I said only a level 136 karp at level 20. Should I evolve now or keep chasing the buggers for a better one?

Evolve now, from what I've seen the CP multiplies over 10 so you'll easily get one over 1000.

Another alternative to GPS spoofing is having a drone carry your phone and remote controlling it... it still counts as your phone moving :p.
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