Police hunt suspect after wife and two daughters of BBC commentator killed

I’m against the death penalty but life should definitely mean life if this guy has killed these 3.


I feel the same. However I'd love for them to leave you in a room with the **** for a bit and just let you take that anger out on him.

I think I wouldn't want to continue living if I walked in on this situation. My life is about my family without them I'm nothing.

This news story is horrible.
How you would feel if it was your own wife and kids who were killed is irrelevant we don’t let the victims of crime decide the punishment.

I’m glad we live in a country that has moved on from the death penalty, there is no evidence it works to reduce crime and the risk of mistakes is too high

Problem is, if "justice" isn't seen to be done, then you run the risk of vigilante justice, since people don't trust "the system" to work properly (just see post #49 for an example). Not saying I agree with the death penalty or that we should bring it back, but it's a very thin line to tread to get the balance right :(. I know if I was in the husband/father's position, and saw the guy get a weak sentence, I'd definitely be seriously considering applying some justice of my own, as I'm sure most people would - what else have you got to lose at that point?

Well it appears that he's a wrong un and would've found another means to kill if he didn't have the crossbow, but I think crossbows should be banned.

Objects which can be misused to kill, such as a kitchen knife or a brick, are objects that we need for daily life, but we can live without objects specifically designed to kill.

The same goes for swords and zombie knives IMO. I reckon that the people who buy them fantasise while waving them around in their living room, building up a yearning to use the weapon as intended.

Then, when they have a rocky patch, they carry out their fantasy on some poor person/people.

I think it's sensible to ban all weapons designed to kill.

It won't completely stop the nutters going on a rampage, but it'll make it more difficult and hopefully deter some of them.

The problem with banning them is that while you can stop people from buying them, it's trivially easy to make something like a knife or a bow/crossbow from basic materials.
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Is there any actual modern-day use for a crossbow besides larping ?
some people hunt with them, other than that much like archery there is quite a big following for target shooting.

I know some are calling for them to be banned. Personally i am on the fence on that, but i respect the view of those who feel that way. My main issue is where do you draw the line? a bow and arrow can kill.... hell my dads air rifle is proper powerful and would potentially kill as well if hit in the right place. it would certainly blind someone.

so maybe ban any "weapon" .... but you cant, its just not realistic. people in the country use shotguns for food, farmers need them............ and if a nut job wants to kill someone then they could just as easily use a golf club or a carving knife....

it is all on a scale tho because OTOH i was not against handguns being banned, which may make me a hypocrite. For me the difference there is 1) they are far easier to conceal and 2) a handguns primary use is to shoot people............. you dont use them for hunting, there are better weapons for that, and you dont use them for target practice generally (because again there are better weapons for that as well).
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Problem is, if "justice" isn't seen to be done, then you run the risk of vigilante justice, since people don't trust "the system" to work properly (just see post #49 for an example). Not saying I agree with the death penalty or that we should bring it back, but it's a very thin line to tread to get the balance right :(. I know if I was in the husband/father's position, and saw the guy get a weak sentence, I'd definitely be seriously considering applying some justice of my own, as I'm sure most people would - what else have you got to lose at that point?

The problem with banning them is that while you can stop people from buying them, it's trivially easy to make something like a knife or a bow/crossbow from basic materials.
He's not going to get a weak sentence, they will clearly lock him up and throw away the key.
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That would be a rare one, suicide by crossbow.
Maybe now, but back in the day, many people probably took a crossbow bolt to the head.

Absolutely horrific though, and I can only imagine it was under some pathetic circumstances from the murderer, because one of the daughters denied his weird advances.
less than 10 crossbow murders in the UK between 2011 and 2021, so an incredibly unpopular weapon considering any moron over 18 can buy one
There's no issues with the weapons, it's the people using them...

if it wasn't a crossbow it would be something else.

do people really think the guy only did it because he could get a crossbow? just think of all the hammer murders that could have been prevented if hammers didn't exist....

if they were banned he just wouldn't have taken any action against them at all.

who said ban them, some pandering MP seeking PR? never vote for band wagon jumpers.

there's a local MP in newcastle that jumps on everything that has a photo opportunity, but you never hear of her if there isn't...

you could claim without access to a gun a lot of people wouldn't kill, and thats probably correct, but not for the people who do it at point blank range like this guy with the crossbow.

It's not like a sniper whos pretty much detached from their own actions
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This is so grim.
From the same family all of them?

Wouldn't blame the farther for going vigilante and ending the guy who did it.

There's no way you can come back from such trauma.

I also agree with the death penalty in such cases. Even that is too light

Death is too easy. I’d use every last penny I had to ensure his fellow inmates made his life an absolute misery.
don't they use silly expensive mechanical bows now anyway with sights etc on them
There’s a lot of skill to using a bow. It’s an Olympic sport after all.
Hard to conceal, not really something you could easily use on the streets or in a house.
Archery is a sport, a crossbow is a hunting weapon for an unskilled user - that’s the reason they were invented.
There’s a lot of skill to using a bow. It’s an Olympic sport after all.
Hard to conceal, not really something you could easily use on the streets or in a house.
Archery is a sport, a crossbow is a hunting weapon for an unskilled user - that’s the reason they were invented.
how many people doing archery are using compound bows though? surely takes almost all the skill out of it?

it's basically a vertical crossbow
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how many people doing archery are using compound bows though? surely takes almost all the skill out of it?

it's basically a vertical crossbow
It’s nothing like. (To actually use)
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There’s a lot of skill to using a bow. It’s an Olympic sport after all.

A 10 year old can use a bow, relatively accurately, with a couple of practice shots...

They aren't going to be launching arrows with pinpoint accuracy at targets 100m away, but a human size target 20m? That's far from impossible (or even difficult with a bit of practice).

Agreed with the fact they aren't exactly easy to conceal though, and unwieldly for use indoors.
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