Political Correctness Gone Mad Again

Where would female cheerleaders come into this? What about male mascots? Shall we ban those as well? What about female tennis players with their sexy toned legs and male weightlifters with their six-packs?
Don't forget Rachael Riley... How Channel 4 managed to plough through the never ending CVs of hot blonde maths geniuses and managed to settle on Rachael. Any long term Countdown viewer could tell you that maths geniuses aren't generally hot blondes, they've historically been buxom brunettes.
How are they integral to the experience, how would it affect the darts if they weren't there? Pulling it back to your example of extras it would be impossible to do a crowd scene without the use of extras.

It would make it even more boring than it already is if they weren’t there...
They will do this kind of modeling all over the place, all kinds of events. Annoying P.C people are getting it banned everywhere, so yea they will be out of a career eventually. Something they probably spent a lot of time getting in to shape for and making the contacts etc.

True and people tend to forget that. I heard a woman on radio 4 this week discussing the presidents club thing along with a man who is trying to get pole dancing clubs banned. She said she started dancing to pay herself through a law degree which she got and started working in law but they wanted 50+ hours a week, expected extra hours with no pay etc so she went back to stripping. She is 31, owns her own home with no mortgage and works 8 days a month and has a daughter and says she is comfortable well off. The club where she works has strict no touching and propositioning rules. So it’s useful to see the othe4 side. Yes, perhaps this kind of th8ng shouldn’t go on today but clearly there is a demand and clearly some women are happy to fulfill it.
Oh look more fat women... I mean feminists telling other women what they can and cannot do for a living...

It's ironic that a so called liberal idea is so totalitarian, next it'll be women at the Oscars can't wear little black numbers with a slit up the side. As it sexually objectivies women and fat shames land whales.

It's all becoming a bit month python ish now..
... next it'll be women at the Oscars can't wear little black numbers with a slit up the side. As it sexually objectivies women and fat shames land whales.

Land whales ! lmao. I like that. It must be hard being female and also ugly and fat. But I guess that's what vibrators are for. :)
Well I'm sure the women who will no longer be getting well paid promotional work will be happy that Feminism is sticking up for them in these dark times, heaven forbid they're allowed to look attractive on TV in a sport where the viewership is 90% men.
Well I'm sure the women who will no longer be getting well paid promotional work will be happy that Feminism is sticking up for them in these dark times, heaven forbid they're allowed to look attractive on TV in a sport where the viewership is 90% men.
As someone who doesn't watch sports, but drinks beer out of cans, I welcome this push towards equality!

(I'd rather they brought back the women on cans tbh)
I feel sorry for all the ladies who are going to be losing money because of this, don't suppose anyone actually thought of asking them how they feel about it...
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