Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

  • Conservatives

  • Labour

  • Lib Dem

  • UKIP

  • Other (please state)

  • I won't be voting

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The eu has tried to build a framework that gives them power, built around a series of unworkable or unrealistic positions not accepted by the other side of the negotiation.

What are these unworkable or unrealistic positions? I think the EU is well aware that it's going to take a great effort to get these negotiations finished within two years.
Pretty much settled on the idea of voting independent now. I can't abandon my principles on privacy/civil liberties and wonder how many others feel the same.

The Tories will win but I don't think it will be the landslide they want. Probably a good thing because I can't quite decide which is worse: The EU or a completely unhindered Conservative government.
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What are these unworkable or unrealistic positions? I think the EU is well aware that it's going to take a great effort to get these negotiations finished within two years.

You cut one out of the quote ;)

The position on settling any future payments outside of our legal obligations being separate from trade talks is another, and the desire to have the agreement solely administered by the eu courts is a third.

These may be things the eu wants, and they may form part of a wider deal, but they cannot be accepted on their own. In such a case, no deal is better than a bad one.
Repeating a meaningless catchphrase like a broken record worked wonders for Donald Trump, which is presumably where she got the idea from. It makes her look dishonest and sometimes downright stupid when it's clearly not even vaguely related to being an answer to a question, but it might work for her too. I'd be insulted by the idea that my attention span is short enough to fall for it, but mind-numbing repetition does have an effect on people.

to be fair all politicians have done this for as long as i can remember, on all sides of the political spectrum.
If Macron wins, the job of securing a good exit deal will become harder; he wants to make an example of us in ordered to quell anti-EU sentiment in his own country. If Le Pen wins, I expect the EU will become much more accommodating to our position; the future of the EU will literally depend on its ability to secure mutually agreeable deals with it's two biggest net contributors. It would collapse if there was no deal with the UK and France.

I can't believe I'm actually rooting for Le Pen...

I actually view this as the the reverse of what you posted. Macron will be better for us as it will be largely business as usual for the EU and Brexit will still be a major focus. If LePen wins then it will send shock-waves through the EU and they will be much more focussed on dealing with France and keeping the EU together than Brexit.
Two points:

2010-2015 York University showed in a FACTUAL STUDY the tory's cut welfare by £44 billion, and cut tax to big corperates & international companies (i.e. gave money away to them) to the sum of £465 billion.

Ask yourself, is that fair ?

Second point a friend just wrote to me:

"If you have a spare 45 minutes and want to vote on June 8th based on who would make a competent Prime Minister, you could compare and contrast how Teresa May fared on the Andrew Marr show with how Jeremy Corbyn did. Pay attention to things like the number of times they avoid directly answering questions, the amount of detail they divulge for the things they're talking about, how clearly their arguments are presented, etc. I thought it made for interesting watching."

I don't even need to watch it to know the answer to that.
Two points:

2010-2015 York University showed in a FACTUAL STUDY the tory's cut welfare by £44 billion, and cut tax to big corperates & international companies (i.e. gave money away to them) to the sum of £465 billion.

Ask yourself, is that fair ?

Benefits give money, tax takes it. A benefit cut results in less money given, a tax cut results in less money taken.

No tax cut has ever given money to anyone.

Is it any wonder the left fares so badly when they can't even understand the basics.
Benefits give money, tax takes it. A benefit cut results in less money given, a tax cut results in less money taken.

No tax cut has ever given money to anyone.

Is it any wonder the left fares so badly when they can't even understand the basics.

Because money is inherently a thing of value and not a proxy, invented by nation states?

We regulate not selling babies, we regulate not buying organs in fact as a collection of people we choose exactly what is right and exceptable. The notion that some "free market" could and/or does exist is tiresome, it wasn't that long ago nearly all western capitalism was failed by idiots spouting such rhetoric and allowing innovative banking. You don't own anything we don't collectively agree you own, get over that fact!
Benefits give money, tax takes it. A benefit cut results in less money given, a tax cut results in less money taken.

No tax cut has ever given money to anyone.

Is it any wonder the left fares so badly when they can't even understand the basics.

WHAT ?! why is everyone speaking the garbage language of May ? lol

It means, money previously taken prior to 2010 - as a % of tax - was given a tax break by torys resulting (compared previously to 2010) £465 billion being lost in the nations interest.

Your talking drivel man, stop defending them, the facts speak for themselves.

The data is from york university, your attempting to argue with people much more intelligent than yourself, and can do maths...........your speaking like an MP, ignoring the facts and just literally waffling nonsense.
Because money is inherently a thing of value and not a proxy, invented by nation states?

We regulate not selling babies, we regulate not buying organs in fact as a collection of people we choose exactly what is right and exceptable. The notion that some "free market" could and/or does exist is tiresome, it wasn't that long ago nearly all western capitalism was failed by idiots spouting such rhetoric and allowing innovative banking. You don't own anything we don't collectively agree you own, get over that fact!

So article 17 of the un declaration of human rights is just an inconvenience? There you have it, economic authoritarianism in all its glory.
A well written comment:

"If you think Corbyn is "unelectable" "weak" or a "terrorist sympathiser" it's almost certain you got that opinion from British Tv or newspapers owned by people who fear him, and have been slandering him for years. You're being told what to think about a man; not informed about his positions, record, or astounding successes fighting for equality."
A well written comment:

"If you think Corbyn is "unelectable" "weak" or a "terrorist sympathiser" it's almost certain you got that opinion from British Tv or newspapers owned by people who fear him, and have been slandering him for years. You're being told what to think about a man; not informed about his positions, record, or astounding successes fighting for equality."

Or you could just watch him in things like prime minister's questions, etc. and make a decision for yourself...
WHAT ?! why is everyone speaking the garbage language of May ? lol

It means, money previously taken prior to 2010 - as a % of tax - was given a tax break by torys resulting (compared previously to 2010) £465 billion being lost in the nations interest.

Your talking drivel man, stop defending them, the facts speak for themselves.

The data is from york university, your attempting to argue with people much more intelligent than yourself, and can do maths...........your speaking like an MP, ignoring the facts and just literally waffling nonsense.

You don't give people money or property with a tax cut, you stop taking it. The state took less property from people after the change, it did not give it to them. The property belongs to the people initially, not the state.

Dishonest language and fake news seems to be all some of the left leaning posters in this thead have, it's almost like there is no argument you can advance that is not based on lies.

The sad part is, there are plenty of things that could be raised, we need a better tax and Benefits system, we need to ensure that everyone has equal opportunity to reach their potential, and encourage them to do it. The conservatives are far from perfect, but when their opposition is focused on this sort of nonsense, they are the choice the country is going to make.
WHAT ?! why is everyone speaking the garbage language of May ? lol

It means, money previously taken prior to 2010 - as a % of tax - was given a tax break by torys resulting (compared previously to 2010) £465 billion being lost in the nations interest.

Your talking drivel man, stop defending them, the facts speak for themselves.

The data is from york university, your attempting to argue with people much more intelligent than yourself, and can do maths...........your speaking like an MP, ignoring the facts and just literally waffling nonsense.

Dolph isn't wrong. You just don't agree on what constitutes fairness.

Socialism vs free market capitalism is an argument that's been raging for decades.
I chose other in the poll. I'll be voting SNP.

Edit: Don't be daft guys - let's get rid of the Tories. Don't allow yourself to become confused by what May is saying. This is the same party who will kill the NHS, implement the rape clause, scrap/re-write the human rights act, introduce further snooper charter requirements for ISP's, continue to make a complete balls of Brexit, lie about Trident and ultimately destroy what is left of the UK.

If you care about the future of the Union, vote anyone but Tory or UKIP.
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WHAT ?! why is everyone speaking the garbage language of May ? lol

It means, money previously taken prior to 2010 - as a % of tax - was given a tax break by torys resulting (compared previously to 2010) £465 billion being lost in the nations interest.

Your talking drivel man, stop defending them, the facts speak for themselves.

The data is from york university, your attempting to argue with people much more intelligent than yourself, and can do maths...........your speaking like an MP, ignoring the facts and just literally waffling nonsense.

Dolph is of the opinion that all taxation is theft, and that a free market would magic up the nation's infrastructure.
Dolph is of the opinion that all taxation is theft, and that a free market would magic up the nation's infrastructure.

Actually, Dolph isn't. But don't let reality get in the way.

Dolph is of the opinion that tax, like other forms of state use of the monopoly on legitimate force, must be carefully used and equally and fairly applied to all.

The fact that our current system fails to do this is the reason why reform is needed.
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