Terrorism will be about regardless of where and when there's intervention - no sensible person is saying that intervention is the only cause. But intervention can help and hinder... eg. you mention Yugoslavia and Sierra Leone... the important point to remember with those examples is that there was a post-conflict structure which offered support and helped the establishment of functioning government etc. As opposed to Lybia where there was no workable post-conflict plan.
Yes ISIS hate the western World and will attack anyone regardless of their foreign policy, but that doesn't mean that bombing other countries might inspire people who might otherwise not be, or create the environment for dangerous elements to flourish in a vacuum (eg. in Libya).
Quite. And the fact the examples given by Scorza are completely different interventions - very targeted and either designed to back up the existing government against rebels (such as Sierra Leone) or designed specifically to discourage an action by a government and provide a peacekeeping force to police it afterwards (Yugoslavia). Compare that to the regime change and dismantling for government and security systems of Iraq and Libya creating a power vaccum which was taken advantage of by insurgents.
France may not have taken part in Iraq, but was a member of the
Afghanistan coalition sicnce 2001 , was an instrumental factor in the assault on Libya (UK and France were the two main advocates) and also has a significant, often conflict heavy history in North Africa in general, for example the
Algerian war of independence which resulted in hundred of thousands killed.
Mali is in part a spillover from the instability in Libya after the collapse of Gadaffi, part independence war and part taking advantage of instability within the county itself (Toureg rebellion and the coup both causing instability and ineffectual security services).
The CAR on the other hand also stems from civil unrest and rebellion (largely secular) and has ended up with a situation of reprisal attacks on both Christians and Muslims, with the latest episode including the displacement of thousand stars of Muslims and several massacres.
The Philippines has it's origins, as discussed in the other thread - replies to which Scorza has obviously ignored - in the colonisation of the area by the Spanish and the forced integration and conversion to Christianity of an existing Muslim state. The current insurgency stems directly from this - a fight for an independent state.
Nigeria has similar roots, a large sultanate in the area was superseded by British colonization and conversion to Christianity, with the current issues having origins in a fight for an independent Islamic state in a predominantly Christian country (after we sent in missionaries).
So there we go, a bit of background on al of Scorzas examples. While that doesn't excuse the actions of anyone it just goes to show things aren't quite as simple as he's trying to make out.