Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

  • Conservatives

  • Labour

  • Lib Dem

  • UKIP

  • Other (please state)

  • I won't be voting

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And that's Labour's problem in a nutshell: I see them as too lukewarm on the EU to vote for them and you see them as too pro-EU to vote for them.

I'm not sure on the numbers but I wonder just how many current Labour MP's have differing views on the EU verses their constituents? If the EU/Brexit is going to have a big bearing on how people vote I wonder how that will play out in traditional Labour seats for MP's like Ed Miliband?

https://secondreading.uk/brexit/brexit-votes-by-constituency/https://secondreading.uk/brexit/brexit-votes-by-constituency/ The spreadsheet makes for some interesting reading, if I get time I'll do a pivotwith the MP's name and where they stood for Remain or leave.
Oh dear if this poll is anything to go by labour are going to get hammered...
You say that like it's a bad thing, look at it from this perspective: After the Tories roflstomp Labour in this election even Corbyn's strongest supporters will have to come to terms with the fact that you cannot win a general election just by appealing to the right wing and alienating the central voters. They will have no choice but to elect a more centre left candidate as his replacement and that is exactly what was going to happen anyway in 2020. This early election means that Labour can replace Corbyn sooner and will be able to challenge the Tories properly in 2022 instead of 2025, it's a good thing (compared to the path Labour were on last week).
Really concerned that people see this as a chance to stop Brexit, the people voted, yes granted some don't like it, however they live in a democracy and had their chance

I agree that it's too late to stop Brexit, and that is not what this election should be about. Having said that, there are different types of democracy. Our system of government is that we vote for representatives, who we empower to make decisions on our behalf. Under our current system, that represents a far stronger democratic mandate that any referendum, especially an advisory one.

Hypothetically, if a political party campaigned on the single issue of stopping Brexit, and won, that would be a far stronger democratic mandate that any referendum. Just sayin'.
why do you support this ellections? how much do they cost? here in slovenija damn referendum or ellections cost appx 4 mio €. waste of taxpayers money.
What funny, is people are now surmising TM wants a large majority so she can keep the hard-Brexit backbenchers in check, so she isn't crippled by their revolt when she comes back with a soft Brexit deal.

So all the fervent Brexit supporters who will be voting for the Tories to get their hard Brexit, are actually going to be voting against the Brexit they want! :D

I'm afraid that's just more 'project fear' rubbish put out by the pro-EU establishment to scare Tory voters into not voting, May made it clear in her announcement yesterday that she seeks control over our own borders which is totally incompatible with the single market.
That site that asks you questions and tells you which party you most agree with has been updated.

Here's mine, kinda what I expected, also somewhat interesting results that if I was Scottish the SNP would be my last choice, if I was Irish I wouldn't be a terrorist, and if I was a racist Englishman I would be more open about it lol.
Why are people still talking about the Blair/Brown Labour Party? The Labour Party we'll have as an option on the ballot sheet come the 8th June is a very different beast. People need to think hard about what PM Jeremy Corbyn (probably supported by a Lib-Lab coalition) would mean for them; e.g. policies on defence, taxation, environment, immigration, foreign relations, remember when Corbyn's shadow chancellor brought Chairman Mao's Little Red Book into the chamber?
i think a fair bit do now as they didn't expect to be leaving the single market.

I think with the EU loudly saying if you leave you leave that most had a fair idea that might not be an option. They are still saying that now as their opening bargaining chip so it might/might not be on the tables anyway. At this point in time no one knows if its going to be a hard or soft brexit anyway
Why are people still talking about the Blair/Brown Labour Party? The Labour Party we'll have an an option on the ballot sheet come the 8th June is a very different beast. People need to think hard about what PM Jeremy Corbyn (probably supported by a Lib-Lab coalition) would mean for them; e.g. policies on defence, taxation, environment, immigration, foreign relations (remember when Corbyn's shadow chancellor brought Chairman Mao's Little Red Book into the chamber?).

I'm sure at some point (if the polls show much movement for the Lab / LD parties) that a repeat of the SNP/Labour news articles will appear for this new potential coalition i.e Corbyn is going to get in if you vote LD
I don't think many people regret their voting choices tbh.
The people who protest voted for Brexit because Remain convinced them leave had zero chance of winning do, the people who's choice was not to bother voting because Remain convinced them leave had zero chance of winning do, the people who voted for Brexit because they believed the lies Leave painted on buses do, the people who voted for Brexit because leave convinced them they could stay in the single market do.

I don't care either way, if it goes well then cool, if it goes badly then the UK will rejoin in a couple of decades.
I have voted ukip last 2 but will be voting Tory to kill off any threat to a hard brexit
Hang on, you voted UKIP at the last two, thus reducing the chance of Brexit twice, but now you're voting tactically to increase the chance of Brexit (which is already happening). Well it shows an improvement in political understanding :)
I agree that it's too late to stop Brexit, and that is not what this election should be about. Having said that, there are different types of democracy. Our system of government is that we vote for representatives, who we empower to make decisions on our behalf. Under our current system, that represents a far stronger democratic mandate that any referendum, especially an advisory one.

Hypothetically, if a political party campaigned on the single issue of stopping Brexit, and won, that would be a far stronger democratic mandate that any referendum. Just sayin'.

Well made point, however this was seen as an issue so vital that the people were directly asked, true democracy in action
I think with the EU loudly saying if you leave you leave that most had a fair idea that might not be an option. (Referring to staying in the single market)

You mean apart from the fact that nearly to a man the Leave campaign said explicity that Brexit did not mean leaving the single market....and that it would be foolish to do so....

It's amazing how quickly history gets rewritten
That's a good reason why I'll be voting for the Lib Dems. The Tory media backstab over the tuition fees. The Lib Dems were not in power, they chose (rightly for the country at the time) to stabalise the country by forming a coalition with the Torys. The Lib Dems would have raised income tax to allow them to continue to provide for students and minimise the amount of austerity cuts required to get our finances back on track. The Torys who held the reins cut tuition fees and encouraged their loyal media to blame the Lib Dems.

Since the coalition has ended, the Tory cuts have cut deep into vital services in this country. They're starving mainstream state schools so their chums can have free private tuition at the cost of the tax payer. They're destroying the NHS so they can claim only their American private finance chums can save it. They're litteraly pulling up the ladder and saying "I'm alright Jack". Adult care services in this country have been decimated. Now they want to destroy workers rights and civil liberties.

On the subject of Election manifestos and U turns..
-The Torys who claimed to want to remain in Europe held the referendum to stave off defectors to UKIP who would weaken their party. After telling us that it wouldn't happen, and then telling us if it did happen, we would stay in the single market have now gone full about turn hard brexit.
-The Torys who promised not to call an election for 5 years for stability's sake have called an election whe it seemed to suit them (Not the country, how does this leave NI for instance?)
-TM and BJ who were so scathing of Trump are falling over themselves to get onto his good side, morals be dammed

Then there's Scotland. The Torys are close to allowing the break up of the Union, and it doesn't seem to me that they would mind that as the Scottish don't vote Tory since Thatcher.

tl;dr The Lib Dems didn't break any election promises they were not in power. The Torys only care about the Tory party being in power they don't care about liberty, social justice or the country, and the only bits of the Economy they care about are the bits where their mates are making a killing not jobs.

Most people either do not know this or do not care. You make a very good summary of the situation.
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