Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

  • Conservatives

  • Labour

  • Lib Dem

  • UKIP

  • Other (please state)

  • I won't be voting

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There isn't any real chance of reversing the decision to Brexit, but for me this GE isn't about that (and nor should it be). It's about the Conservatives spotting an opportunity to effectively kill off any opposition to their plans for the country in the next five years and that goes way beyond just leaving the EU. It has implications to privacy, the NHS, education, taxation, and more. They want a commons where they can force issues through simply by requiring MPs to follow party line. That's not democracy.

The only way to prevent this is for there to be a functional opposition who *can* prevent the government from making decisions that would be detrimental overall, and that includes Brexit. For all the bluster about a majority government being able to get a better deal with the EU, the reality is that whatever deal we get will have significant compromises. The Conservatives want to go ahead regardless of what those are because it suits their interests to do so. But for the rest of us who are likely to suffer because of it, we need the opposition to be able to hold the government accountable for bad deals.

If you're a fan of democracy and you're on the fence, voting against the Conservatives will at least improve the chances that they can be kept honest. To me, the Lib Dems look more and more like the only party capable of providing an opposition at this point, which is a shame because there are a lot of staunch Labour supporters who won't flip-flop simply out of loyalty.
What sorry state Labour are in - https://secondreading.uk/brexit/brexit-votes-by-constituency/

I've taken a look at the numbers of who voted which way in each of the MP's constituencies and they called the Tories 'out of touch' in '97!?!?

213 Labour MP's in Westminster, 149 MP's represent constituencies that voted leave yet of the 42 MP's I've researched so far only 2 voted to leave the EU (Frank Field and Dennis Skinner). So why on earth do MP's like Ed Miliband (72.1% of his constituents voted to leave), Liz Kendall, Yvette Cooper still remain as the local MP who have fundamentally different views from their constituents on this vitally important issue? Oh I forgot Westminster is a free meal ticket that the rest of use have to pay for! If these MP's had any ounce of moral fibre the would stand down as an MP at once (similar to what Mr Goldsmith done over Heathrow).
By listing the BS said on both sides and seeing who has the bigger amount?

Well lets be honest, no. The value of dishonesty is hardly measurable, but if it were, i'd put anything that implied people that they didn't need to vote as explicitly incorrigible (Status Quo, usually bores the **** out of anyone).

Same in the US, "Well Trump will never win, so no need to vote at all, it'll be fine" and thats because the likes of CNN, MSNBC and Huffpost all said it or implied it, sometimes you damage yourself without seeing it.

Better to just shut up and stop being emotionally attached like a child which the electorate and news seem to love being.
What sorry state Labour are in - https://secondreading.uk/brexit/brexit-votes-by-constituency/

I've taken a look at the numbers of who voted which way in each of the MP's constituencies and they called the Tories 'out of touch' in '97!?!?

213 Labour MP's in Westminster, 149 MP's represent constituencies that voted leave yet of the 42 MP's I've researched so far only 2 voted to leave the EU (Frank Field and Dennis Skinner). So why on earth do MP's like Ed Miliband (72.1% of his constituents voted to leave), Liz Kendall, Yvette Cooper still remain as the local MP who have fundamentally different views from their constituents on this vitally important issue? Oh I forgot Westminster is a free meal ticket that the rest of use have to pay for! If these MP's had any ounce of moral fibre the would stand down as an MP at once (similar to what Mr Goldsmith done over Heathrow).
They're representatives, not proxies. If they believe Brexit would be bad for their constituents, then they are at liberty to vote it down regardless of what their constituents think.
Well made point, however this was seen as an issue so vital that the people were directly asked, true democracy in action

That's how it would work in a perfect universe, but the reality is rather less palatable. The people were asked because Cameron et al thought they couldn't lose and their troublesome Euro-sceptic back-benchers would shut up once and for all. Hardly a beacon of "true democracy". More like a badly flawed attempt to use the voters as pawns in a cynical attempt to settle an internal dispute.
You trust a PM who said less than a month ago that there would most definitely be no early general election?

I think this is something people are missing, she'll happily say something to disarm opponents then turn on them when they least expect it so as to get her own way. Nick Clegg's summary of her in his announcement he is standing again was both perceptive and apt.
That's how it would work in a perfect universe, but the reality is rather less palatable. The people were asked because Cameron et al thought they couldn't lose and their troublesome Euro-sceptic back-benchers would shut up once and for all. Hardly a beacon of "true democracy". More like a badly flawed attempt to use the voters as pawns in a cynical attempt to settle an internal dispute.

Edit: never mind - misread your point.
I voted Lib-Dem in the thread poll, simply because in my constituency, Bermondsey and Old Southwark, the Tories have about as much chance of being elected, as Corbyn has of becoming Austria's Chancellor.
Both my wife and I vote for whichever party has the most chance of keeping Labour out.
They got in at the last GE, but with any luck, Simon Hughes will be elected again, (if he runs).
Osbourne the master **** said:
"But I will remain active in the debate about our country's future and on the issues I care about, like the success of the Northern Powerhouse."

Really... the Northern Powerhouse now successfully based in London, what a massive ****.
I must admit I'm surprised at the number of LibDem 'voters' in this poll (I am a LibDem voter)

My guess is the majority of people want them purely for their Brexit stance.

Then again, this entire GE will be based on the parties Brexit stance rather than their other policies so people will be blindly voting for a party whose policies they know nothing about!
'Rich will pay more' under Labour'
"Yeah I'm down with that..."
'People earning above £70,000 a year could be asked to pay more tax'
"That's not rich! That's doing well!"

Way to go and alienate a huge percentage of the population. Morons.


When the average wage in the country is about 20k, earning 70k is fair game to be considered rich.
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