Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

  • Conservatives

  • Labour

  • Lib Dem

  • UKIP

  • Other (please state)

  • I won't be voting

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I really wonder if there's more to this than we are being told;


It really makes me wonder if the government know that these MP's are going to be at worst charged and at least forced into running by-elections.

The sad thing is, this probably had something to do with it, yes. Easier to not let them stand, than try and in a by-election where people will make it clear you broke the law.
I meant it is embarrassing the way that the SNP behaves in the the chamber generally by showing that they cannot have any other opinion except that of Nichola Sturgeon.

No different then that no one should have an opinion other than the Labour leader or Tory leader, but instantly needs to be different for the party you dislike huh?
The forums liberal left have created a refuge in the Brexit thread where they have beaten the mods into submission with endless RTM's and threads in FCD and got anyone that doesn't love the Lib Dems / EU thread banned. It's a safe haven for anyone interested. :p
Given that you don't know what gets discussed in FCD or what gets RTM'ed I'd say you're talking out of your arse. Business as usual, really. Don't whine just because you couldn't keep up.
Given that you don't know what gets discussed in FCD or what gets RTM'ed I'd say you're talking out of your arse. Business as usual, really. Don't whine just because you couldn't keep up.

Id say you are responsible for most of the RTM's and FCD posts. :)
All it would require for the Tories to lose is the abstention of holding candidates in places that are only going to help them, there's literally no need to hold just about any green candidate as they're a farce, the Lib-Dems could win seats if Labour didn't waste votes and vice versa.

But Labour and the LibDems would rather the country stew in its own **** than join forces with the other centre-left/left parties, which makes me wonder why.
So Chairman May is still adamant she will not take part in a TV debate, wonder how long until she flip flops on that.
I'd like to know what percentage of potential Tory voters are backing them purely for 'smooth brexit' reasons as apposed to actual policy and 'promises' in the long run. I don't believe there one in the same :/
Does this mean we have a reset on Cameron's foolish "tax lock"?

At least they will campaign to be the "greenest government" :p.
I'd like to know what percentage of potential Tory voters are backing them purely for 'smooth brexit' reasons as apposed to actual policy and 'promises' in the long run. I don't believe there one in the same :/

You may as well replace that word Tory with the name of any of the other parties as it is equally applicable (unless people have only just discovered the LD manifesto and are flocking to them). Unless some pretty good campaigning is done on policies its going to be another Brexit type vote. It is only day 2 though so it might happen
All it would require for the Tories to lose is the abstention of holding candidates in places that are only going to help them, there's literally no need to hold just about any green candidate as they're a farce, the Lib-Dems could win seats if Labour didn't waste votes and vice versa.

But Labour and the LibDems would rather the country stew in its own **** than join forces with the other centre-left/left parties, which makes me wonder why.

I have my suspicions that Labour see the brexit negotiation period as toxic and would rather go for power after the current term.

However Corbyn is likely to go after this GE so perhaps he'll start fighting for it.

SNP were as tactful as usual, heckling Farron on a question he couldn't possibly answer. However if by some miracle the lib dems did get enough seats to form a coalition with the Tories then I hope they would consider it as they were a voice of reason last time.
I'd think it far more likely the lib dems would end up in coalition with the tories, though honestly I think the most likely outcome is that the tories just walk the whole thing.
Although do keep in mind as they trip into the higher rate tax band of 40% they don't actually "take home" double the average salary and given the cost of living in London I'd suggest it certainly doesn't make someone "rich".

I'm sure someone much brighter than I will work it out but I wonder what the comparable disposable incomes would be if you take someone working in London earning £70k paying a mortgage for a 3 bed terraced house, travel to work and general cost of living compared to the same for someone in Sunderland or Stoke? Particularly if you then take local pricing (for example for a pint of beer or cinema tickets) into account to give you a feel for the "purchasing power" of whatever is left.

No idea what the answer would be but I suspect it might be a little bit closer than we would guess at first glance.
How about Sheffield?

You would need around 2,633.67£ in Sheffield to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 4,500.00£ in London (assuming you rent in both cities). This calculation uses our Cost of Living Plus Rent Index to compare cost of living.
Well £70k is around £4k a month. Mortgage for 3 bed house in London would most certainly be north of £1k, unless stupid deposit was had. Travel? Well depends on location...

Put it this way, I don't earn £70k. Live just outside zone 6. 3 bed semi-detached.

Rough Monthly outgoings

£800 mortgage.
£180 council.
£80 Gas Water Electric
£120 Sky/phone/ internet/ Mobile
£250 a month train.
£80 insurances
£250 Food/ cleaning products/ etc.
£80 petrol (I do less than 10,000 miles a year)

That's £1,840, alright I eat fairly well and don't scrimp on the luxuries. Add in takeaways and few subscriptions for Netflix apple music etc. I'm at around the £2,000 mark.

So if i was on £70k I would be on £2,000 disposable, which would be nice.

However I probably slightly benefit from living somewhere where I can get a London wage and not London house prices. I recon you could probably add £500 to that just for living in London.

So you essentially live in a commuter town outside London.

A 3 bed semi in zone 6 is around £500k, what mortgage term would you need to be paying only £800 a month? :p

Answer - ~£2k with a 10% deposit
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