Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

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True enough.

I don't see increasing income tax on people earning £70k+ as unreasonable TBH. The Tories keep banging on about how there's no money, yet they managed to find enough to cut the top rate of income tax, increase the tax free allowance, and raise the threshold for higher rate taxpayers. Some of their adjustments have been the right decision, but they haven't been balanced with tax increases elsewhere.

If we want good schools, an effective health service, adequate care for the elderly, the disabled, and mentally ill, then we're going to need tax rises. Those tax rises will have to be placed on those who are thriving; increasing the tax burden on the poor is a disincentive to work and will only increase the in/out of work benefits bill (the inverse of what we've seen over the past 7 years).

It sucks for those earning £70k+ per year. But the alternative is that our public services get progressively worse.

doesn't always work that way though - simply increasing tax rates doesn't necessarily increase what the government gets in taxes both through avoidance/evasion and simply people deciding that it isn't worth it

when you're looking at people earning 70k then you're targeting some of the most productive people in our economy - we've already got plenty of people screwed by the 60% rate once they hit 100k. This is the area where you're targeting things like overtime and bonuses - the doctor who decides to work a Saturday clinic for extra pay etc..

the poor don't have much in the way of tax burden - I'm not really sure what that is even in relation to. Sure the NHS could do with more funding but frankly the cuts to benefits are a good thing and perhaps ought to go further still.
People should care about it - its only the tip of the iceberg but its shows the iceberg is there. Unfortunately like a lot of things people lack the insight or imagination to see the implications until it slaps them in the face, usually too late to do anything about it.

some aspects of it are worrying but it isn't really a very big issue in the grand scheme of things - obviously some people on here are a bit more sensitive to it or even slightly paranoid about it, then again this is an Internet forum for computer enthusiasts so a bit of a specialist audience in that respect
I'm intrigued does everyone in london earn 50K a year then just for getting out of bed?

Im sure thats not true at all based on ons 34.5k a year is average in london. Anyone who is earning twice the average area wage is doing very well for themselves london or not
Although do keep in mind as they trip into the higher rate tax band of 40% they don't actually "take home" double the average salary and given the cost of living in London I'd suggest it certainly doesn't make someone "rich".

I'm sure someone much brighter than I will work it out but I wonder what the comparable disposable incomes would be if you take someone working in London earning £70k paying a mortgage for a 3 bed terraced house, travel to work and general cost of living compared to the same for someone in Sunderland or Stoke? Particularly if you then take local pricing (for example for a pint of beer or cinema tickets) into account to give you a feel for the "purchasing power" of whatever is left.

No idea what the answer would be but I suspect it might be a little bit closer than we would guess at first glance.
I'm intrigued does everyone in london earn 50K a year then just for getting out of bed?

Im sure thats not true at all based on ons 34.5k a year is average in london. Anyone who is earning twice the average area wage is doing very well for themselves london or not

I never said people in London get 50K just for getting out of bed, I just said 70K is not a "very high wage" It's a good wage yes I'd describe it as high middle income for London.
Actually like Tim Farron a lot more after watching MP's debate this morning. My goodness though there is some horrific childish behavior in the House of Commons
I never said people in London get 50K just for getting out of bed, I just said 70K is not a "very high wage" It's a good wage yes I'd describe it as high middle income for London.

'London' is a bit generic though. When you say 'not a very high wage' is that statement just as applicable for someone living in Hackney as appose to living Ealing Common or someone living in Beckingham or Flaconwood verses someone in Hendon?

Actually like Tim Farron a lot more after watching MP's debate this morning. My goodness though there is some horrific childish behavior in the House of Commons

I wonder if anyone will dare ask him in a live TV debate if he believe Homosexuality is a sin?
Although do keep in mind as they trip into the higher rate tax band of 40% they don't actually "take home" double the average salary and given the cost of living in London I'd suggest it certainly doesn't make someone "rich".

I'm sure someone much brighter than I will work it out but I wonder what the comparable disposable incomes would be if you take someone working in London earning £70k paying a mortgage for a 3 bed terraced house, travel to work and general cost of living compared to the same for someone in Sunderland or Stoke? Particularly if you then take local pricing (for example for a pint of beer or cinema tickets) into account to give you a feel for the "purchasing power" of whatever is left.

No idea what the answer would be but I suspect it might be a little bit closer than we would guess at first glance.

Well £70k is around £4k a month. Mortgage for 3 bed house in London would most certainly be north of £1k, unless stupid deposit was had. Travel? Well depends on location...

Put it this way, I don't earn £70k. Live just outside zone 6. 3 bed semi-detached.

Rough Monthly outgoings

£800 mortgage.
£180 council.
£80 Gas Water Electric
£120 Sky/phone/ internet/ Mobile
£250 a month train.
£80 insurances
£250 Food/ cleaning products/ etc.
£80 petrol (I do less than 10,000 miles a year)

That's £1,840, alright I eat fairly well and don't scrimp on the luxuries. Add in takeaways and few subscriptions for Netflix apple music etc. I'm at around the £2,000 mark.

So if i was on £70k I would be on £2,000 disposable, which would be nice.

However I probably slightly benefit from living somewhere where I can get a London wage and not London house prices. I recon you could probably add £500 to that just for living in London.
I think we all know how this will go....

Jeremy Corbyn on snap election:

I don't dabble in politics but from what I've saw in the past JC has like all others turned to answer dodging no matter the questions. He effectively dodged every answer.
I don't know the history of that to be honest but someone just asked him that in the House of Commons.

What I find funny is that no one has asked TM the same question even though she is a Christian.

I'm a bit confused as to why TF seems to be getting this flak even though he's for LGBT rights?!
Did we ever find out if Farron actually believed and/or tweeted about curing being gay? He claimed his account was hacked but I am not massively filled with confidence with that defense.
If the Lib Dems had made tuition fees issue non-negotiable to join the coalition, I just wonder how powerful they would be now. Really surprised how strong they are polling here despite being almost wiped out after that blunder.
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