Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

  • Conservatives

  • Labour

  • Lib Dem

  • UKIP

  • Other (please state)

  • I won't be voting

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No one rational says it'd be the end of the World. They merely say that we'll be worse off with a hard Brexit, with us being out of the single market.

No you're right. I don't think anyone with half a brain would actually believe a 'hard' Brexit would actually happen. All the posturing and maneuvering is for show. We both need ( or would like) each other to stay open for business.
What about the NHS? As someone who relies on the NHS, it is a far more important issue to me than brexit.

What about tax, education, housing, transport. All those affect the average voters life far more than brexit ever will.
this happened in Norfolk in council elections, forget the exact number so will make some up, was something like 100 Tory against 101 others, they formed a "Rainbow" alliance to take power, to my mind that is disgusting, all the voters for the individual parties would not have voted for independants, greens, lib, and lab to then ultimately be ruled by labour

Is this what we are as a nation, a group of spoilers who because they can't get their own way go out of their way to cripple our country

Sorry, what's the issue there? Those that represented the majority ended up in power, even though none of them won the most seats individually.

The coalition system is how most of the rest of the world usually works.
This is in danger of morphing into a brexit thread. Let's not forget a GE is about domestic issues as well, not just foreign policy.
Let's not forget that foreign policy is about a lot more than just our relationship with the EU also. Remember that time Jeremy Corbyn went to a Cuba Solidarity Campaign in London instead of meeting with the Parliamentary Labour Party in the wake of the UK Independence referendum? Tells you something about the man's priorities.
Actually, the tripling of tuition fees WAS put to parliament by a LibDem (Vince Cable) and Clegg did have the ability to stop it and chose not to.

I'm amazed anyone still talks about them as a party of the left after the coalition and all the stuff Clegg came out and argued for.

They were never a party of the left. :confused:

They are a centralist party, between both labour and Conservatives usually.
What about the NHS? As someone who relies on the NHS, it is a far more important issue to me than brexit.

What about tax, education, housing, transport. All those affect the average voters life far more than brexit ever will.

What's important and what's populist aren't always the same thing.

All those issues you cite are important at every election, but it usually focuses on one topic....."It's the economy, stupid"
So you think we'll improve from being the 5th largest economy in the world when we leave the single market?

Who knows but if you don't try and create new business opportunities or change how do you progress?

They were never a party of the left. :confused:

They are a centralist party, between both labour and Conservatives usually.

No they aren't. They're a flip flopping party.
Interesting how close the polling here is to the national trends, just with labour and the Lib Dems reversed. Imagine if that result was replicated across the country...
Sorry, what's the issue there? Those that represented the majority ended up in power, even though none of them won the most seats individually.

The coalition system is how most of the rest of the world usually works.
The party with the most votes should automatically be part of any coalition.
You think? I honestly don't understand why people think Brexit is the end of the world...

EU isn't exactly gravy for Southern Europeans is it? But they don't matter, as long as you're ok?

Southern European countries have been suffering economically from being part of the Eurozone, not from being part of the EU. This is a common misunderstanding.
They were never a party of the left. :confused:

They are a centralist party, between both labour and Conservatives usually.
They were left of Nu-Labour, they are right of Corbinism..
The key to the Lib Dems isn't so much that they are a centralist (or slightly left of center) party in the traditional sense. It's that they are a Liberal non-authoritarian party (A different political axis) both Labour and the Conservatives are more authoritarian. They're still pretty central on that axis as well, they're hardly anarchists..

Who knows but if you don't try and create new business opportunities or change how do you progress?

No they aren't. They're a flip flopping party.
The Lib Dems have done the least "flip flopping" as you put it out of the 3 main parties.

Cons: We want to stay in Europe
Cons: We want to stay in the single market
Cons: No election until 2020
I'm only 27, and a Brexiteer. Guess people just fear change.

The EU has it's merits and did some good things, but it has effectively run its course, imo. Take forward the lessons learnt and move on.

As a trade block/ single market it was fantastic. When it morphed into the political, fiscal, monetary monstrosity it is now it was destined to fail... But I guess you don't know these things till you try.

Oh, so you like change? Break things and see what falls out? Shake it up? Kick the blob? Creative destruction? A bit of self-harm to make the future sweeter? Ffs. Woeful.

But if you're up for knowing more things and 'taking forward the lessons':

Next up try to change the other troika: WTO, IMF and World Bank, and indeed get major concessions - outside a large trade bloc - from them by throwing a hissy fit - because that's who's going to end up dictating the terms on which our future lives or dies, after the EU is done with us, aka 'Global Britain'; then same for the EU via loose cooperation from the outside without any meaningful participation in its future regulation via its institutions, because we do rely on their market and sell to their market as the geographically nearest location to us; then on to the US, China and India on an even looser and less even and kind footing; proceed to do good work with making Blighty hold together as a Union, whilst globalism at large is taking you raw from behind with no economic buffers and a reduced relative market to your main competitors; investors come and go as they please (kicking your weaker currency if they're unhappy about X), with a shrinking competitive advantage, skills deficit and a trade deficit. What utopian vision, sir! Mind the pitchforks, though.

Not all change is good. Regressive change based on some half-forgotten, half-baked vision of marketeetring zealotry (it's always better in textbooks), Unicorn England or imagined grievance at some foreign Big Bad more so. Or like this dunce: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/b...eading-eu-uk-trade-deal-tariff-a7691271.html; do you think the world of free trade, where there's perfect harmony, perfect competition and nothing but trade to do internationally is but another blind leap away, given recent political trends? Pull another one! :D
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