If you read my post you'll see that I have done my own research - enough to make my decision. I skimmed the Labour party manifesto as I knew enough already. The corp tax issue was not high up on my list of concerns.
What's more scarey is that people, including you, probably assume others haven't done their research because they don't come to the same conclusion as you. You and the others have made an assumption because I got a fact wrong, one part of my own decision (not the sole reason)
I agree many probably wont do their own research but who knows, the spread of those might be 50/50 across the two main parties anyway so the impact is minimal.
It's one of the downsides to democracy I'm afraid. As Winston Churchill once said, the biggest argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter on the street.
It was no different with Brexit either. I still say it's ludicrous we're going ahead with it just base on a 52% majority - should have required a much large vote than that for such a severe change. Those who voted for Brexit will of course disagree, but they shouldn't, because it's not a happy nation forcing a massive change that nearly half didn't want. And most voted for one reason - immigration. There's an evil part of me that hopes things don't go well as it will likely impact those who voted for it more, but people will no doubt blame others (the politicans for doing it wrong for example ) for their ruined lives as is so traditional for people to do these days

Also, doesn't matter what Labour come up with in their manifesto. Before this election was called they were in right state. Without the people in place to make the party work, they can promise everything but it's hard to consider them as a party that can deliver.