Poll: Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Mk II

Who will you vote for?

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To be fair if you look at the rest of his stuff he seems to have a thing about HSBC and is using hustings to have a pop at the bank rather than the debate on Manchester they were having . For all we know Rudd could have just written "can we bring the debate back to the topic we're debating and not an excuse for a personal attack on HSBC". Doesn't look great though whatever the truth of the matter
Scary isn't it.

If you read my post you'll see that I have done my own research - enough to make my decision. I skimmed the Labour party manifesto as I knew enough already. The corp tax issue was not high up on my list of concerns.
What's more scarey is that people, including you, probably assume others haven't done their research because they don't come to the same conclusion as you. You and the others have made an assumption because I got a fact wrong, one part of my own decision (not the sole reason)

I agree many probably wont do their own research but who knows, the spread of those might be 50/50 across the two main parties anyway so the impact is minimal.
It's one of the downsides to democracy I'm afraid. As Winston Churchill once said, the biggest argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter on the street.
It was no different with Brexit either. I still say it's ludicrous we're going ahead with it just base on a 52% majority - should have required a much large vote than that for such a severe change. Those who voted for Brexit will of course disagree, but they shouldn't, because it's not a happy nation forcing a massive change that nearly half didn't want. And most voted for one reason - immigration. There's an evil part of me that hopes things don't go well as it will likely impact those who voted for it more, but people will no doubt blame others (the politicans for doing it wrong for example ) for their ruined lives as is so traditional for people to do these days :).

Also, doesn't matter what Labour come up with in their manifesto. Before this election was called they were in right state. Without the people in place to make the party work, they can promise everything but it's hard to consider them as a party that can deliver.
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Perhaps if 13 years of Labout government hadn't run up quite so much debt in the first place we wouldn't have to have had to try to cut back quite so much. Even funnier is that's exactly what Labour are planning to do again and people lap it up if they think there's something in it for them. I wonder how many Corbyn supporters there would be if he kept the same policies and said he'd increase basic rate tax to 30% to pay for them? Hmmm...
There was a post linking an article about debt and paying back the deficit a few pages back, individually researched. It directly contradicts your statement and, in fact, shows more debt paid back and lower deficit in very labour government for the past fifty years. Even adjusted for inflation.
You don't even need to read the above factual research to know this, the deficit has increased drastically in the past few years the Tories have been in power. What I really wonder though, is what on earth were they spending it on as nearly all public services had huge budget cuts.
You don't even need to read the above factual research to know this, the deficit has increased drastically in the past few years the Tories have been in power. What I really wonder though, is what on earth were they spending it on as nearly all public services had huge budget cuts.

Er, no it hasn't, the opposite in fact.
There was a post linking an article about debt and paying back the deficit a few pages back, individually researched. It directly contradicts your statement and, in fact, shows more debt paid back and lower deficit in very labour government for the past fifty years. Even adjusted for inflation.
Found it - I think. Looking at the chart it looks like to me there was a huge acceleration from 2008 to 2010 when Labour were the government, which if it had of carried on with that trajectory, would have been massively higher than it is now. It takes time to undo the economic commitments of the previous government. If you look at the chart you can see since 2010 the increase is slowing down - indeed the independent study itself says.

"In the past eight years, debt has increased to 80% of GDP, but is beginning to stabilise"

You don't even need to read the above factual research to know this, the deficit has increased drastically in the past few years the Tories have been in power.

of course you dont need factual research, as factual research says its reduced drastically...


Perhaps if 13 years of Labout government hadn't run up quite so much debt in the first place we wouldn't have to have had to try to cut back quite so much. Even funnier is that's exactly what Labour are planning to do again and people lap it up if they think there's something in it for them. I wonder how many Corbyn supporters there would be if he kept the same policies and said he'd increase basic rate tax to 30% to pay for them? Hmmm...

Lol, knew it would be Labours fault.
Looking at the chart it looks like to me there was a huge acceleration from 2008 to 2010 when Labour were the government, which if it had of carried on with that trajectory, would have been massively higher than it is now.

Hmm, now there's something tickling at the back of my mind.....about something financial that happened in 2008.....blast it's on the tip of my tongue.....I'm sure it might be relevant to why the deficit increased massively in a couple of years from the previous 11 years Labour were in power.....now, what was it....
Lol, knew it would be Labours fault.

Well Labour actually borrowed money when times were good, it's like me having a good job and spending money on a creditcard every month on top of my wage, it'd be very easy to drive around a nice car and go on expensive holidays, less easy to do that if I had to not spend on a creditcard and had a worse paid job which is basically what the Tories have now. No **** we have to cut back on spending.
Well Labour actually borrowed money when times were good, it's like me having a good job and spending money on a creditcard every month on top of my wage, it'd be very easy to drive around a nice car and go on expensive holidays, less easy to do that if I had to not spend on a creditcard and had a worse paid job which is basically what the Tories have now. No **** we have to cut back on spending.

And yet we still continue to waste billions on It systems for the NHS that get scrapped, a stupidly expensive rail link in HS2...the list goes on.
Well Labour actually borrowed money when times were good, it's like me having a good job and spending money on a creditcard every month on top of my wage, it'd be very easy to drive around a nice car and go on expensive holidays, less easy to do that if I had to not spend on a creditcard and had a worse paid job which is basically what the Tories have now. No **** we have to cut back on spending.
Government budgets aren't household budgets, they don't work in the same way. So it's not like that at all.

I'm amazed that people still need to be saying this seven years later.
Hmm, now there's something tickling at the back of my mind.....about something financial that happened in 2008.....blast it's on the tip of my tongue.....I'm sure it might be relevant to why the deficit increased massively in a couple of years from the previous 11 years Labour were in power.....now, what was it....
I don't follow your point? Labour borrowed massively and set us on a trajectory for it to be substantialy higher than it is now. The independent study I was told to go look at clearly shows the Tory government are slowing down the increase inherited from Labour and specifically says it's gradually stabilizing now.

I didn't refer to the report - a Labour supported did..
I was yes :)

I don't think that's strictly true, there are plenty of economic changes in their manifesto, things like dropping the previous pledge not to increase income tax and NI....i'd sure like to see the costing on that one! ;)

How much it will cost the economy if they get immigration down to the levels they are aiming for.

Nothing, since they won't. It's just meaningless noises to get some votes. They won't actually do anything.
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