Poll: Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Mk II

Who will you vote for?

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I am liking Corbyn a little more these days but I am throughly disliking his team. Dianne Abbott constantly makes comments that seem like she doesn't even know what time of the day it is, let alone have a modicum of knowledge on any of the subject she could end up governing. It's a scary thought having her as home secretary.

From listening to his BBC interview from Glasgow this morning, any criticism of Abbott is because she's a black woman, not because of anything she says because she's an experienced politician. His Twitter followers will go further and call you a balls-out racist, but then, that is the level of the debate at the moment.
The (temporary?) replacement for Abbot voted against triggering article 50. I don't think Jez will deliver on BREXIT which is my main reason for voting for the Conservatives.

To be honest I think your gonna get the same kind of brexit with any party. May is just acting tough but she will get a 'deal' and say its amazing now matter how bad it is and then come out with 'this is what the people wanted and it makes us strong and stable'
Is Abbott genuinely unwell, or is Corbyn showing a ruthless side by being prepared to ditch his long-trusted colleagues in a last push for votes?

See my earlier post it seems the Mirror has run with this now very few people have so far seen this.

This is the person who got the information behind if she was well or not.

Quote from forum "Same guy who did Bank Of England Governor and Barclays CEO"

Please make up your own minds looks very genuine to me now that so many reporters seem to have jumped on it, but only Mirror running with it probably to suppress it.
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Also, he was still peddling the line that she's too ill to be on TV, despite her being pictured on the tube yesterday when she was supposed to be on Woman's Hour. But at least he's an honest, straight talking bloke, right?
From listening to his BBC interview from Glasgow this morning, any criticism of Abbott is because she's a black woman, not because of anything she says because she's an experienced politician. His Twitter followers will go further and call you a balls-out racist, but then, that is the level of the debate at the moment.
That's pathetic if true, people criticise her because she's a ******* moron who's abysmal at her 'job', it has nothing to do with her skin colour or gender.
what, from may who doesn't respect our sovereignty, did no stand against the papers about the judges(which was literally taken out of the Nazi hand book), is campaigning in her name instead of tories, and you think this is a bluff, once we are out of the EU the tories will tear up so many rights and people are just happily accepting it. Its unbelievable what people are willing to throw away.

she is far more harmfull to this country than a couple of small terrorist attacks in the last decade.


Not sure what you mean about standing against the papers - are PMs to choose a side in every issue? Freedom of press is just as important as freedom of judges to make their decisions.

Don't most MPs ask you to vote for them? Why does it matter? People either think they are voting for the PM or they know they are voting for their local MP and which PM they'll get if they do that.

As I asked earlier in the thread what rights will they tear up? What would it mean to someone is isn't an extremist if they did? Would the lords accept the changes anyway?

Not even sure what to say about your last comment - hopefully it just wasn't worded very well
Of course they will, they are comitted to it.

Not when they have labeled what I consider to be 'BREXIT' as 'extreme'. One of Keir Starmer's conditions for supporting May's 'deal' would be - "Does it deliver the "exact same benefits" as we currently have as members of the Single Market and Customs Union?", an impossible condition to match when the Conservatives want to end FOM. I believe Labour would keep FOM and keep us in the EU in everything but name - a view re-enforced by their unwillingness to 'walk away' (or at least THREATEN to walk away) should the offer of a deal be poor from the EU.
That's pathetic if true, people criticise her because she's a ******* moron who's abysmal at her 'job', it has nothing to do with her skin colour or gender.
Exactly, I mean she's so bad at her job that it makes you wonder if she only has that job BECAUSE OF her race and/or gender. That's how bad she is.

Not sure what you mean about standing against the papers - are PMs to choose a side in every issue? Freedom of press is just as important as freedom of judges to make their decisions.

Don't most MPs ask you to vote for them? Why does it matter? People either think they are voting for the PM or they know they are voting for their local MP and which PM they'll get if they do that.

As I asked earlier in the thread what rights will they tear up? What would it mean to someone is isn't an extremist if they did? Would the lords accept the changes anyway?

Not even sure what to say about your last comment - hopefully it just wasn't worded very well
you know what the human rights are yeah? perhaps you should go do some reading and yes, it very much protects everyone. It is mind boggling dumb to throw away human rights for some minor terrorist attacks that in the grand scheme of things aren't even rounding errors in death tolls.

it is unacceptable to go after judges like that, that is what happens in a dictatorship and is exactly what the nazi party did. It really should trump freedom of press. Freedom of press is not totally free, nor should it be. They do and can be sued and punished for telling lies.

unfortunately due to party whip you are very much voting for the party and not a local mp.
Labour won't deliver on Brexit haven't got a clue we will still be in the Customs Union unable to trade with other countries unless through EU. So we will be a lot worse off or no benefit to having half left.
Labour won't deliver on Brexit haven't got a clue we will still be in the Customs Union unable to trade with other countries unless through EU. So we will be a lot worse off or no benefit to having half left.
I cant wait until we can FINALLY enjoy the trading utopia that Liam Fox will create with the Phillipines.

Also you clearly have no idea how trade works.
From listening to his BBC interview from Glasgow this morning, any criticism of Abbott is because she's a black woman, not because of anything she says because she's an experienced politician. His Twitter followers will go further and call you a balls-out racist, but then, that is the level of the debate at the moment.

She is a liability, and skin colour doesnt even enter the equation.... actually it does, I would imagine in the 80s having a black female MP looked good.
Not when they have labeled what I consider to be 'BREXIT' as 'extreme'.

A 'leave with no deal' Brexit is completely extreme.

I believe Labour would keep FOM and keep us in the EU in everything but name - a view re-enforced by their unwillingness to 'walk away' (or at least THREATEN to walk away) should the offer of a deal be poor from the EU.

Corbyn very clearly stated that leaving the EU means the end of free movement. He said it on Question Time, he said it at the leaders debate.
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