Poll: Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Mk II

Who will you vote for?

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Apple might be one of the most despicable corporations ever to have existed. Directly linked to worker deaths in China, pays no tax (anywhere), hideously overpriced products... and yet still we "love" them.

Who is your smartphone made by and where is their public report into the conditions of their workers?
Those who are on social media, which party have you found to be targeting you? Only asking as i read an article which was saying that the torres have been using a loop hole to target people on social media. But i have found its been labour for me.

I seem to be getting targeted by the Tories. I've seen that minute or so advert that's specifically about Corbyn multiple times.

Odds have shortened since I placed my bet of no overall majority. Down to 6 now, was at 7 before.

Where are you getting those odds please? Best I can find is 4/1? If you got 7s or even 6s i'd say that's a bet all day long!
The newspaper headlines today means I'm unlikely to read a newspaper ever again tbh. The pro-May rhetoric is so dumb it's insulting. Biased audience wtf - even if that were true, which it wasn't, why not report on what they actually said? Or didn't say?

Apparently the most left wing audience in the world applaud UKIP
I seem to be getting targeted by the Tories. I've seen that minute or so advert that's specifically about Corbyn multiple times.

I haven't seen it myself. Like i said its been labour i have bombarded with from friends and targeted. Might be down to that i life in a labour stronghold.
Apparently the most left wing audience in the world applaud UKIP

The guy from ComRes (who put the audience together) has explained it quite well today. In giving equal airtime to all parties, you end up with most of the audience being 'left wing' as most of our political parties are.
I seem to be getting targeted by the Tories. I've seen that minute or so advert that's specifically about Corbyn multiple times.

Where are you getting those odds please? Best I can find is 4/1? If you got 7s or even 6s i'd say that's a bet all day long!

I'm actively seeking out Tory adverts on Facebook and clicking on them. Hopefully they're paying by the click.
I haven't seen it myself. Like i said its been labour i have bombarded with from friends and targeted. Might be down to that i life in a labour stronghold.

They're wasting their time targeting me, this area couldn't be any more Tory.

I'm actively seeking out Tory adverts on Facebook and clicking on them. Hopefully they're paying by the click.

hahah :D
on my Facebook feed: 'a video you may like' - I think they've messed up a bit with their targeted ads...

I'm thinking that this business of not showing up for debates and just repeating "Strong and stable" and "I've been very clear" all the time is going to backfire on her. She is acting as though the election is just a formality and that she doesn't need to engage or try to win support. It comes across as extremely arrogant and if there's one thing the UK population doesn't like, it's arrogance.
I really agree with this.

Yet somehow on the BBC (either on newsnight or just 10pm news) there was a think tank expert saying that the recent dip in polling for tories is because they have deviated from their core message (stability brexit corbyn etc.), and that if they got back on message they would cruise to a large majority.

Time will tell I guess, but I just struggle to imagine that the stability message is hitting home with voters.
May is a horrendous women, truly despicable. She's up in Middlesbrough now, speaking to Teesside and talking about Corbyn not believing in Britain. All of this on the back the conservatives choosing China over Britain and letting a vast steel industry in Teesside die and 10K people lose their jobs. They should run her out of the town, they have done nothing for the North East for decades!
I still feel this is a willful attempt at getting out of government, but there's a chance that its just incompetence. Because no intelligent person would throw out easily regurgitated slogans as your whole campaign, it just means that if you aren't those things in any circumstance, you'll be mocked and attacked so easily.
May is a horrendous women, truly despicable. She's up in Middlesbrough now, speaking to Teesside and talking about Corbyn not believing in Britain. All of this on the back the conservatives choosing China over Britain and letting a vast steel industry in Teesside die and 10K people lose their jobs. They should run her out of the town, they have done nothing for the North East for decades!

Strong and stable.

I still feel this is a willful attempt at getting out of government, but there's a chance that its just incompetence. Because no intelligent person would throw out easily regurgitated slogans as your whole campaign, it just means that if you aren't those things in any circumstance, you'll be mocked and attacked so easily.

If it was, surely someone would drop a memo in to let Rupert Murdoch, Paul Dacre, Richard Desmond etc know?
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