Poll: Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Mk II

Who will you vote for?

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technically speaking there is only ever one safe seat and that is the constituency of the speaker. If there was a much higher turn out / voter engagement in each constituency no one would be safe

You assume all the 40% note voting would vote against the standing candidate when in reality the proportions of the 40% not voting would be pretty similar to the ones who voted. Take one of the local seats near me. I think its a 20k to 30k safe Cons seat and the 6th safest in the country. If it went the other way to labour, then it would be likely that the Tories would only have 5 seats in Parliament if the swing was repeated across the country.

Technically possible but the chances of that happening in the next 100 are near to zero.
The thing about this is that they don't even pay the full amount of tax that they should in Ireland, hence this news story from last year:


The only real benefit of Apple HQ in Cork is that they provide 4,000 local jobs (but that is still only 3% of the population of Cork - Possibly 10-15% of the working population)

It's not just Apple in Cork, include Dell, EMC, VMware, Intel, Pivotal, FireEye and these are just off the top of my head. All paying good salaries to IT bods and paying national insurance for these employees which can't be avoided.
Depends on if they make more money from:

Selling products to you in your country and paying the full amount of tax
Not selling anything to you and avoiding paying tax at all.

Well, I'm not even thinking about the economic factor here.

What about UK businesses that use Apple products for infrastructure or client devices?
What about interfaces with businesses in the rest of the world that use apple products? Loads of companies use apple exclusively because of the integration and compatibility.
What about the general public who (as stated) "love" apple and actually want their products?
etc etc.

Simply saying pay up or you get banned from trading in this country is an empty threat.
It's not just Apple in Cork, include Dell, EMC, VMware, Intel, Pivotal, FireEye and these are just off the top of my head. All paying good salaries to IT bods and paying national insurance for these employees which can't be avoided.

Yes jobs are always good and the money people earn get put back in to the local/national economy.

But lets rather generously assume that the 4,000 people employed at Apple HQ are paid at triple the average wage. Average wage in Ireland is: €26,800

€26,800 x 3 = €80,400
€80,400 x 4,000 = €321 million in wages per annum

Nowhere near the €13 Billion Euros that Ireland were told they were entitled to by the European commission. They are being taken for mugs.
So in essence your answer is no one, which is the truth. Ultimately the US and Russia are the players in this game and everyone else (bar perhaps China) it's a complete waste of time and it's not a deterrent at all.

Using the ludicrous example of Russia deciding to Nuke us, they can wipe out the whole country the return risk being the loss of perhaps a single city. If they were dead set on wiping us out any military commander would see that as an easy and justifiable sacrifice to win.

It's embarrassing that we as a nation seem to believe the thing is worthwhile, it is not.

You are thinking about it very one dimensionally - it isn't just about nuclear v nuclear end game. It is absolutely worth it we as a species don't seem to be able to live peacefully without some big threat hanging over our heads.
The US are planning on massively reducing their corporation tax rates though.

Tbh corporation tax needs to die, it's pointless because you're trying to tax profit, which doesn't actually exist except in the minds of accountants. Don't really know what the best alternative would be, but I'm sure there are good alternatives.

Wow what an idiotic statement
And whenever you see a left wing blogger they're always on a macbook.


Truly a race to the bottom.

It's about time we said to the likes of Apple: **** off. Peddle your **** elsewhere, if you're not going to pay tax. You're banned from trading in this country, period. Get stuffed.

The whole idea of them being a global corp and paying their tax in Ireland is an excuse, plainly, if they're not paying more than 0.005% tax in Ireland either...

Apple might be one of the most despicable corporations ever to have existed. Directly linked to worker deaths in China, pays no tax (anywhere), hideously overpriced products... and yet still we "love" them.

You do realise we pay VAT on every Apple product we purchase, Apple pays employees who pay income tax and NI, Apple rents shops and pays the tax on that, should they pay more tax? Sure. If they did, do you know whose pocket that would come out of? ours. Apple would simply increase their prices to maintain their profit margins. Same with Amazon and all those other companies people complain about. If you some how force them to pay more tax then they'll simply put prices up. Essentially you'll just be paying more in taxes if you use those companies.
The US are planning on massively reducing their corporation tax rates though.

Tbh corporation tax needs to die, it's pointless because you're trying to tax profit, which doesn't actually exist except in the minds of accountants. Don't really know what the best alternative would be, but I'm sure there are good alternatives.
Profit doesnt exist?

So if i buy an apple for 10p and sell it to you for 20p whats the extra 10p i have gained called?
You think Apple (or Amazon) can just increase prices exponentially and people will still buy their stuff? No. Already their phones sales are declining.

And I just pointed out that the money the Irish government get from having citizens employed by Apple HQ is nowhere near the corporation tax they should be getting.
Yes jobs are always good and the money people earn get put back in to the local/national economy.

But lets rather generously assume that the 4,000 people employed at Apple HQ are paid at triple the average wage. Average wage in Ireland is: €26,800

€26,800 x 3 = €80,400
€80,400 x 4,000 = €321 million in wages per annum

Nowhere near the €13 Billion Euros that Ireland were told they were entitled to by the European commission. They are being taken for mugs.

My point is if Ireland did not have this tax arrangement then those people would still be in low-wage low-skilled jobs and not paying as much as they currently are. Don't forget that Ireland is effectively EXPORTING their high-skilled workforce as the amount these companies pay in wages is not recouped by their economic activity in Ireland, the workforce in Ireland is providing services throughout Europe and beyond. Basically, Ireland is benefiting much more by having an attractive tax regime then they would if they adopted a French socialist model.
My point is if Ireland did not have this tax arrangement then those people would still be in low-wage low-skilled jobs and not paying as much as they currently are.

Apple set up its European HQ in Cork many years before it started using creative accountancy to pay next to no corporation tax.
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