Those cartoons are completely stupid.
indeed - it isn't as though there aren't other companies making phones etc.. not really comparable to the peasant scenario or indeed the old car scenario if literally all cars don't have seat belts
Those cartoons are completely stupid.
I seem to be getting targeted by the Tories. I've seen that minute or so advert that's specifically about Corbyn multiple times.
Where are you getting those odds please? Best I can find is 4/1? If you got 7s or even 6s i'd say that's a bet all day long!
6.2 at Betfair exchange. Back.
Apparently May is going make a speech soon that says that the election is about Brexit, lol she is getting desperate.
London Westminster voting intention:
LAB: 50% (+9)
CON: 33% (-3)
LDEM: 11% (-3)
UKIP: 3% (-3)
GRN: 2 (-1)
(via @YouGov / 26 - 31 May)
Just for London.
Therein lies the problem then - you've got an equal amount of Plaid Cymru (180k votes at the last election) supporters as you have Conservative (11.3m votes) voters.The guy from ComRes (who put the audience together) has explained it quite well today. In giving equal airtime to all parties, you end up with most of the audience being 'left wing' as most of our political parties are.
Apparently 103% of the electorate in Tower Hamlets will be voting for Labour.
5/1 is the best atm with most 4/1 or worse
Do you agree with Boris Johnson about the audience at last night’s debate being the most leftwing he had seen?
May says Amber Rudd did an excellent job in the debate.
Q: Did you watch the debate?
May says Amber Rudd did an excellent job in the debate.
Q: You have said that twice. Will you make her chancellor if you win the election.
May laughs. She says she is focusing on making sure that people know what the choice is at the election.
I don't think May likes Hammond very much. I'm really starting to think she is either incredibly arrogant, or actually trying to throw the election.So Amber Rudd for no 11 and Hammond out then? God help us. Hammond is the only decent Tory cabinet minister they have atm.
No doubt TM will contract a minor cold or something soon and be removed from the public eye until 8th June.
No doubt TM will contract a minor cold or something soon and be removed from the public eye until 8th June.
So Amber Rudd for no 11 and Hammond out then? God help us. Hammond is the only decent Tory cabinet minister they have atm.
Should have layed the Tories, you could have got 20/1 and it would be the same result.6.2 at Betfair exchange. Back.
Anecdotes don't prove something. What they do is disprove a sweeping statement. You can't use an anecdote to prove all immigrants work hard. You can use an anecdote to disprove a statement that they don't.
Some people seem to take the principle of an anecdote not being able to prove a general case and misapply it to thinking it has no value. What it achieves, is to challenge statements that over-reach and to illustrate that there is uncertainty in the general case.
You don't understand how capitalism or corporations work. If Apple were able to charge 10-15% more without loss of sales, they would. You cannot simultaneously argue that Apple is greedy and would simply up prices to compensate for higher corporation tax and also that they would not raise prices now if they were able. Corporations such as Apple have enormous marketing departments, very well-funded, who spend a lot of time working out where best on the Supply-Demand curve they should pitch their tent.
I actually feel sorry for May. I think the UK is in a bad situation and I think she believes she can't acknowledge this without committing electoral suicide. Look at Amber Rudd getting cut to pieces on the debate by responding to Corbyn's comments about welfare for the disabled with caveats about "those who most need it". Entertain the hypothesis that there actually isn't enough for everyone. In such a case Amber Rudd's mild comment about selectivity is correct, but she gets almost booed by the audience for saying it. Whereas the party not in power - Corbyn, is free to say "everything will be better with us". Theresa May is caught between saying nothing and saying "Christmas is cancelled", I think. Knowing the latter to be disastrous, she prevaricates.
I don't think May likes Hammond very much. I'm really starting to think she is either incredibly arrogant, or actually trying to throw the election.
'Busy planning brexit'
Real question is, who will they fill the gap with?
He dropped the ball over the increases to national insurance and he's on thin ice so it wouldn't surprise me if he went.