Poll: Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Mk II

Who will you vote for?

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Yet Corbyn is fooling them hook, line and sinker which is kind of sad to see as well.

Corbyn has policies and a manifesto that people are voting for.

May is offering nothing but flip flops, weak character attacks and empty slogans. She's treating the electorate like morons.
I feel sorry for young people, they've been shafted time and time again by politicians and now they're having the wool pulled over their eyes by Corbyn and his mob. Corbyn is making all these promises of massive change but he has no credible plan for how to pay for them. For example, he's going to scrap tuition fees, however we can't afford that, especially after the economy collapses so what you'll end up with is very few people going to university in future. Under Corbyn they'll have no chance of getting a job, as the economy collapses and any entry-level jobs that do remain will have about 50 experienced applicants from abroad. Thanks to Corbyn's promise of more uncontrolled immigration rents will continue to rise while the chance of ever being offered a mortgage will diminish considerably.
how can any economy survive when profit isn't real?
Tin foil hat time -

Are the Tories deliberately throwing this one way?

Who really wants the blame for ballsing up Brexit?

I also read that the EU has already determined how our exit will look irrespective of government. All this hard/soft deal or no deal is pure bluster from all UK parties.

A google of "brexit by timetable the evolution of the eu’s position" would suggest the EU has already decided our fate.
I also read that the EU has already determined how our exit will look irrespective of government. All this hard/soft deal or no deal is pure bluster from all UK parties.

A google of "brexit by timetable the evolution of the eu’s position" would suggest the EU has already decided our fate.
I wouldn't put it like that

But they decided their unified negotiating strategy in 5 minutes and were all in agreement, so yes it's probably just bluster from May.
Hmm, not sure if i'm allowed to say bitch, but its such a common word and not being in the censor list, ill leave it for now.

I think bitch is just the feminine form of *******. Like queen is for king.

EDIT: Huh, bitch is allowed but
Allan B'stard
is not. How odd. I think the male form is ordinary enough conversation that it doesn't offend, personally. Oh well.

May is a horrendous women, truly despicable. She's up in Middlesbrough now

See! People tell me not to pity Theresa May but then they tell me she's visiting Middlesbrough. If that's not a cry for help, I don't know what is! ;)

Valid point.

Another valid point

A final valid point.

You know forums are for telling people they're wrong, right? You're not supposed to agree with people. It completely stops them from having counter-arguments. ;)

I wouldn't say I feel sorry for her as I am of the personal belief (many will disagree as this is fundamentally what the election boils down to) that austerity has exacerbated as opposed to helped the situation is in especially when combined with the tax breaks for her base. Whilst I understand others will have a different economical take on my stance for me if you take money out of people's pockets (which they have done to a large extent with wage freezes/minimal raises/redundancies in public sector) you reduce people's spending power and deflate the markets thus lowering tax receipts.

I'm half in agreement with you. I'm not convinced a bit more splurging on the right kind of things wouldn't have resulted in more growth. It's also clearly the case that one of the reasons our forecasts were all out and we got into this mess is because of the US-led financial crisis and that's hardly the UK's fault. That said, I do think we need to curb our deficit. Even the IFS says its beyond healthy levels now. The UK has weak manufacturing base these days and can't afford to let our credit worthiness be put at risk.

Anyway, as you said: valid point. I think there are far too few people with nuanced viewpoints who don't take some absolutist position on this right now.
Therein lies the problem then - you've got an equal amount of Plaid Cymru (180k votes at the last election) supporters as you have Conservative (11.3m votes) voters.

The audience was weighted not equal (based on party voting and also Brexit voting), the air time was supposed to be equal per leader.

Geez simple understanding of whats written, airtime is not audience
I feel sorry for young people, they've been shafted time and time again by politicians and now they're having the wool pulled over their eyes by Corbyn and his mob. Corbyn is making all these promises of massive change but he has no credible plan for how to pay for them. For example, he's going to scrap tuition fees, however we can't afford that, especially after the economy collapses so what you'll end up with is very few people going to university in future. Under Corbyn they'll have no chance of getting a job, as the economy collapses and any entry-level jobs that do remain will have about 50 experienced applicants from abroad. Thanks to Corbyn's promise of more uncontrolled immigration rents will continue to rise while the chance of ever being offered a mortgage will diminish considerably.

SO you finally admit that Brexit is going to cause the economy to collapse then? Thank god you have finally seen the light.
Brexiters need to accept they have spawned a complete mess that will more than likely screw us for a decade or two and vote based on the other issues.
Brexiters need to accept they have spawned a complete mess that will more than likely screw us for a decade or two and vote based on the other issues.

They have. Several of them on here have said they know it will cripple the economy for 10 to 20 years but its still worth it for their kids and grand kids sake. They usually then say Farage should be knighted for making this come true.
Tin foil hat time -

Are the Tories deliberately throwing this one way?

Who really wants the blame for ballsing up Brexit?

I also read that the EU has already determined how our exit will look irrespective of government. All this hard/soft deal or no deal is pure bluster from all UK parties.

A google of "brexit by timetable the evolution of the eu’s position" would suggest the EU has already decided our fate.

I always maintained that May never wanted to see Brexit through and would resign before triggering Article 50. I suspect she felt backed into a corner and so is quite possibly throwing this campaign on purpose.
Even if I wanted to vote Labour - which I don't - I couldn't vote for a party that has Diane Abbott in a senior position. She's an absolute joke of a human being, let alone politician. Awful.

I think Corbyn has come across OK, even if I don't generally agree with him.

Theresa May has been an embarrassment over the past few weeks, but beyond her, the Conservative policies are better, Labour have a habit of plucking figures out of thin air and spending beyond their means.
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