Pooping at work...

Im the same as the op, i just cant go immediatly in the morning, takes a couple of hours for my bodily functions to get round to the idea.

I do wonder about the silence, as much as the sounds of a man in full deposit are unnatractive, its a natural process and we shouldnt be so ashamed of it.
I do wonder about the silence, as much as the sounds of a man in full deposit are unnatractive, its a natural process and we shouldnt be so ashamed of it.

Agreed, especially if you had nuts or curry the night before or nutty curry, I like a good moan or exclamation when pooping, if women hear I say "see we do know what you go through with childbirth" they always appreciate that.
I just go when the need arises, if that's at work then so be it.

My missus used to wait all day until she got home (works from home now so a non-issue) as she didn't want to use work loos.
Im the same as the op, i just cant go immediatly in the morning, takes a couple of hours for my bodily functions to get round to the idea.

I do wonder about the silence, as much as the sounds of a man in full deposit are unnatractive, its a natural process and we shouldnt be so ashamed of it.

I normally stuff a load of toilet paper into the toilet before i go, it cushions the fall and also stops unwanted splash back.:cool:
Years ago used to only poop at home, until I went on holiday and due to an alternative time zone I got into the habit of pooping in the mornings like clockwork. It's continued ever since but now it's always around 10am everyday.

It's also more cost effective to crap at work due to not using bog roll from home.

Gotta watch the overheads! :p
Getting paid to defecate is one of lifes pleasures, surely?

I guess we're lucky, we have solo bathrooms/toilets here so none of the trauma of multi-stall shenanigans.
When you got to go you got to go, I can poop pretty much any where, but will have to decided first on how i feel it's about to come out, At work any consistency same as at home.

But if in a service station if i can hold i will, never like the bog roll, and always fear full it wont flush after pebble dashing the toilet.
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