Nail on head has been hit. The last thing I want to do is give more of my money away. I’m not a big earner but neither do I feel poor. I take little from others and I live well within my means, it’s not and has never been my fault that the country is in this mess. I don’t even vote so the blame will never fall at my feet neither am I in debt other than my mortgage on my very modest home, of which I had to put down 30k as a deposit from which I saved, yet still have savings I can fall back on.
I’m going to be controversial and a little bit selfish but whomever voted for these and all the other muppets, you pick up the slack, because I have the worlds smallest violin to learn to master.
You want to keep your savings to around 10k and use the rest to pay your mortgage. That way if you lost your job you able to get unemployment benefits and the interest on your mortgage paid, while still having money in the bank.