Don’t think that’s a BMWTypical BMW driver
Typical BMW driver
I wish I could upload some of what gets captured by my work vehicles (bus). It'd make your toes curl.
Typical BMW driver
After one week my Mrs asked me to stop showing videos from my cycle rides to and from work and after two months I gave up myself.
Incidents were a daily occurrence and I can honestly say none of them were my fault.
Just watching that video was he already in that lane then and you just cut infront of him or was he in the right hand lane?
I have his reg. I even followed him around my town a few days later while he was trying to shake me off before I gave up. He knew what he had done and knew it wasn't right and obviously knew it was me who he did it too.
I would but can't be bothered with cops visiting me and taking a statement and what not.
No he came up behind me out of no where so I pulled back into lane one and before I knew it he was up my left side already.
Seen him a few times over a couple of weeks at around the same time down that road weaving in and out of traffic like that.