It's a figure of speech e.g. he quickly came up behind me. I'm doing an indicated 80mph by the speedo while he's probably doing much more. Nobody is claiming to be a perfect driver but maybe you are.
I only just uploaded them last night for the purpose of this thread, I didn't go uploading them as soon as it happened to share with the world like the typical dashcammers you speak of.
You remind me of folk who say "do you believe everything you read on the net?" "Yes I do" when it comes from your website like what the conversation went with someone I had at the council once.
I'm definitely not claiming to be a perfect driver, as I've mentioned multiple times. Not sure what you mean with the website / council thing, that's gone right over my head I'm afraid.
Usually people wait for you to move over and then pass you on the right, not just go straight for the undertake. Have you missed that?
So you're saying he should have joined into lane 1, slowed down to ensure he was going slower than you as you were already in lane 2, then waited on the off chance you were going to move over (not likely considering you were in lane 2 for ages anyway), then moved into lane 2 to pass you, the car he'd just slowed down for so that you could move over? Nobody in their right mind would bother doing that, and if there was more traffic it would actually be a pretty dangerous move.
I'm not even sure you can call what he did in the second video undertaking: it's not like the first video where he went from lane 2 to lane 1, then back to lane 2 to pass you. It's just normal use of the motorway.
I have no problem with you personally, although I probably would if you followed me through town like you did with the Astra guy, just because you didn't like my driving. I'd definitely try to shake you off as well, as any normal person would if they thought someone was following them.
It's funny how you can criticize all kinds of things with no problem, but the minute you start criticizing someone's driving, they get all defensive. I used to be like you, but after driving for a living, then driving in various places with terrible driving standards, you learn to let it all wash over you and not care about the actions of others, nor their opinion of you. It's very liberating, and everyone would be a lot happier if they tried it. There'd be a lot less dashcam videos on Youtube too.