Post your FTTC line stats & unlocking info

On another note, I think I'm going to have to revert my modem to being in my network room rather than the socket where the line comes into the house. Basically as I can't be bothered to run a cable between it and the room where my router is. I'm getting really bad jitter due to using the Homeplugs.


The spikes in latency are me uploading a lot of data but you can clearly see what it was like before the uploading.
The router is on a different subnet to his computer, how is that ever going to work? Or am I missing something? Is he trying to put the firmware on the HG612? He needs to directly connect his computer to the HG612, ignoring the router.

This was my point about not needing to change the ip of the router because its should not be connected for the steps anyway. It would be like trying to get your neighbour to change the IP of their router so you can flash your modem that has nothing to do with it.

On another note, I think I'm going to have to revert my modem to being in my network room rather than the socket where the line comes into the house. Basically as I can't be bothered to run a cable between it and the room where my router is. I'm getting really bad jitter due to using the Homeplugs.


The spikes in latency are me uploading a lot of data but you can clearly see what it was like before the uploading.

Run the cable its worth it! :P My modem is downstairs with a cable that runs upstairs to the router and i have no issues :)
I have a cable already going from the network room to upstairs where my gaming PC is, but I've managed to hide it, not sure I could do the same to where the modem is unfortunately. I need to run another to my iMac in the living room as I hate wireless!
He needs to directly connect his computer to the HG612, ignoring the router.

Surely you haven't read the previous posts I've wrote. I have done/tried that already!

Montegue said:
pulled the power cord from the modem, pulled one cat5 cable out from the Asus router which goes straight to the PC and plugged that into the LAN2 socket of the modem, no other cat5's in the modem at all expect one in LAN2 that goes to the PC LAN.

Which if needs describing, Modem - Lan 2 - cat5 lead from lan2 of modem directly going to PC Lan socket. No router involved at all.
I think we might have a fault.

Upstream SNR dropped from 6 to 3.8dB on the upstream during the day, within a few minutes. It would perhaps explain the slow upstream sync?

The other thing is that I have swapped to another router and my attenuation has dropped from 23 to 18dB. I know it can vary a tiny bit but surely it shouldn't vary that much?
I'm on a 40/2 package with Plusnet.

I recently found out my cabinet is Huawei, so I bought an unlocked HG612 3B from eBay.

Having plugged that in, I can now see from the line stats that there's a 30% difference between my 'Max' sync rate (36120 Kbps) and my actual sync rate (24997 Kbps).

# xdslcmd info --stats
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 0
Last initialization procedure status:   0
Max:    Upstream rate = 7461 Kbps, Downstream rate = 36236 Kbps
Bearer: 0, Upstream rate = 2000 Kbps, Downstream rate = 24997 Kbps

Link Power State:       L0
Mode:                   VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:          Profile 17a
TPS-TC:                 PTM Mode(0x0)
Trellis:                U:ON /D:ON
Line Status:            No Defect
Training Status:        Showtime
                Down            Up
SNR (dB):        9.4             25.1
Attn(dB):        26.7            0.0
Pwr(dBm):        12.7            5.0
                        VDSL2 framing
                        Bearer 0
MSGc:           22              118
B:              47              62
M:              1               1
T:              64              17
R:              16              16
S:              0.0611          0.9907
L:              8384            646
D:              1061            1
I:              64              80
N:              64              80
                        Bearer 0
OHF:            215865          50181
OHFErr:         0               0
RS:             55197390                3411466
RSCorr:         4854            0
RSUnCorr:       0               0

                        Bearer 0
HEC:            0               0
OCD:            0               0
LCD:            0               0
Total Cells:    40650756                0
Data Cells:     953035          0
Drop Cells:     0
Bit Errors:     0               0

ES:             0               0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            25              25
AS:             845

                        Bearer 0
INP:            8.00            0.00
INPRein:        0.00            0.00
delay:          16              0
PER:            3.92            16.90
OR:             57.08           58.67
AgR:            25054.13        2059.15

Bitswap:        366/366         0/0

Total time = 14 min 30 sec
FEC:            4854            0
CRC:            0               0
ES:             0               0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            25              25
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Latest 15 minutes time = 14 min 30 sec
FEC:            4854            0
CRC:            0               0
ES:             0               0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            25              25
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Previous 15 minutes time = 0 sec
FEC:            0               0
CRC:            0               0
ES:             0               0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Latest 1 day time = 14 min 30 sec
FEC:            4854            0
CRC:            0               0
ES:             0               0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            25              25
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Previous 1 day time = 0 sec
FEC:            0               0
CRC:            0               0
ES:             0               0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Since Link time = 14 min 5 sec
FEC:            4854            0
CRC:            0               0
ES:             0               0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
# xdslcmd info --pbParams
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 0
Last initialization procedure status:   0
Max:    Upstream rate = 7445 Kbps, Downstream rate = 36120 Kbps
Bearer: 0, Upstream rate = 2000 Kbps, Downstream rate = 24997 Kbps

Discovery Phase (Initial) Band Plan
US: (7,32) (871,1205) (1972,2782)
DS: (33,859) (1216,1961) (2793,3959)
Medley Phase (Final) Band Plan
US: (7,32) (871,1205)
DS: (33,859) (1216,1961)
                  VDSL Port Details               Upstream                Downstream
Attainable Net Data Rate:            7445 kbps              36120 kbps
Actual Aggregate Tx Power:             5.0 dBm               12.7 dBm
VDSL Band Status	U0	U1	U2	U3	U4	D1	D2	D3
Line Attenuation(dB):	9.2	47.8	N/A	N/A	N/A	21.5	59.7	89.4
Signal Attenuation(dB):	9.2	47.2	N/A	N/A	N/A	24.4	59.3	N/A
	SNR Margin(dB):	26.7	24.9	N/A	N/A	N/A	9.3	9.3	N/A
	 TX Power(dBm): -5.9	4.6 	N/A	N/A	N/A	11.3	7.1	N/A

When FTTC was first enabled, I was getting over 30 Mbps (I think I saw 3.9MB/s as my max rate). Since then, it has dropped to 22 Mbps. Installing the Huawei modem has seen a jump to 23 Mbps.
Line has generally been very stable, haven't had any drop outs other than the very occasional overnight blip when, presumably, DLM is doing its thing (once in a blue moon).
Is it worth speaking to my ISP and asking for an IP/DLM profile reset? Especially as my new modem can talk G.INP with the cabinet (though I don't know for sure if my cabinet is enabled for G.INP - it was enabled for FTTC a year ago).
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# xdslcmd info --show
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason:	2
Last initialization procedure status:	0
Max:	Upstream rate = 6104 Kbps, Downstream rate = 32160 Kbps
Bearer:	0, Upstream rate = 6104 Kbps, Downstream rate = 32460 Kbps

Link Power State:	L0
Mode:			VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:		Profile 17a
TPS-TC:			PTM Mode(0x0)
Trellis:		U:ON /D:ON
Line Status:		No Defect
Training Status:	Showtime
		Down		Up
SNR (dB):	 6.1		 6.0
Attn(dB):	 27.0		 0.0
Pwr(dBm):	 12.6		 6.8
			VDSL2 framing
			Bearer 0
MSGc:		19		26
B:		239		191
M:		1		1
T:		64		38
R:		0		14
S:		0.2353		0.9982
L:		8160		1651
D:		1		1
I:		240		103
N:		240		206
			Bearer 0
OHF:		4046132		1612916
OHFErr:		405		0
RS:		0		1142316
RSCorr:		0		11
RSUnCorr:	0		0

			Bearer 0
HEC:		243		0
OCD:		9		0
LCD:		9		0
Total Cells:	951337808		0
Data Cells:	199304322		0
Drop Cells:	0
Bit Errors:	0		0

ES:		3344		75
SES:		35		0
UAS:		618		605
AS:		15292

			Bearer 0
INP:		0.00		0.00
INPRein:	0.00		0.00
delay:		0		0
PER:		3.77		9.51
OR:		52.91		26.89
AgR:		32512.99	6131.23

Bitswap:	9776/9796		623/627

Discovery Phase (Initial) Band Plan
US: (7,32) (871,1205) (1972,2782) 
DS: (33,859) (1216,1961) (2793,3959) 
Medley Phase (Final) Band Plan
US: (7,32) (871,1204) 
DS: (33,859) (1216,1731) 
		  VDSL Port Details		  Upstream		  Downstream
Attainable Net Data Rate:	     6104 kbps		    32260 kbps
Actual Aggregate Tx Power:	       6.8 dBm		     12.6 dBm
	VDSL Band Status		U0		U1		U2	U3		U4		D1		D2		D3
  Line Attenuation(dB):	 10.5	 53.0	  N/A	  N/A	  N/A	 21.8	 65.5	 91.6	
Signal Attenuation(dB):	 10.5	 51.9	  N/A	  N/A	  N/A	 28.3	 65.2	  N/A	
		SNR Margin(dB):	 6.0	 6.0	  N/A	  N/A	  N/A	 6.1	 6.2	  N/A	
		 TX Power(dBm):	-1.2	 6.1	  N/A	  N/A	  N/A	 11.6	 6.1	  N/A

FTTC has been available at our cabinet since February. We signed up from day one and seemed to sync at 44Mbit and 10Mbit up. We've had Openreach out several times and each time the sync rate drops! We're over 1km away from the cabinet I believe.

Can we get any more out of this line?
You can see from the stats your actual/max sync are at the limit.

Your line can now only achieve 32Mb up and 6Mb down, presumably due to cross-talk.

Gonna have to wait for mate.
I managed to remove 12ft of cable from my line and this is what we get now:

xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason:	2
Last initialization procedure status:	0
Max:	Upstream rate = 5896 Kbps, Downstream rate = 34592 Kbps
Bearer:	0, Upstream rate = 5896 Kbps, Downstream rate = 34592 Kbps

Link Power State:	L0
Mode:			VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:		Profile 17a
TPS-TC:			PTM Mode(0x0)
Trellis:		U:ON /D:ON
Line Status:		No Defect
Training Status:	Showtime
		Down		Up
SNR (dB):	 6.3		 6.3
Attn(dB):	 24.6		 0.0
Pwr(dBm):	 12.7		 6.8
			VDSL2 framing
			Bearer 0
MSGc:		19		26
B:		239		175
M:		1		1
T:		64		40
R:		0		12
S:		0.2208		0.9471
L:		8696		1588
D:		1		1
I:		240		94
N:		240		188
			Bearer 0
OHF:		313834		117552
OHFErr:		4		0
RS:		0		405548
RSCorr:		0		1
RSUnCorr:	0		0

			Bearer 0
HEC:		13		0
OCD:		0		0
LCD:		0		0
Total Cells:	73789454		0
Data Cells:	64710044		0
Drop Cells:	0
Bit Errors:	0		0

ES:		3450		78
SES:		64		0
UAS:		1420		1378
AS:		1113

			Bearer 0
INP:		0.00		0.00
INPRein:	0.00		0.00
delay:		0		0
PER:		3.54		9.50
OR:		56.39		26.92
AgR:		34648.65	5923.41

Bitswap:	343/344		3/3

bloody "fibre" broadband :mad:
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I started with Infinity just over 4 years ago, then went to Sky fiber and now plusnet fiber. I still have the original BT provided HG612 3B and tonight I've just flashed it to the latest firmware so I can get G.INP, although from the look of my stats that isn't enabled as I'm an ECI cab.

I've also moved my modem 20 meters away from the master socket with a run of CAT5e. I haven't noticed any drop in speed and I can happily get 75mb in speed tests.

HG612 (huawei) on an ECI cab

# xdslcmd info --pbParams
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 0
Last initialization procedure status:   0
Max:    Upstream rate = 31199 Kbps, Downstream rate = 81636 Kbps
Bearer: 0, Upstream rate = 19999 Kbps, Downstream rate = 79987 Kbps

Discovery Phase (Initial) Band Plan
US: (7,32) (871,1205) (1972,2782)
DS: (33,859) (1216,1961) (2793,3959)
Medley Phase (Final) Band Plan
US: (7,32) (871,1205) (1972,2782)
DS: (33,859) (1216,1961) (2793,3959)
                  VDSL Port Details               Upstream                Downst                                                                                                                                                             ream
Attainable Net Data Rate:           31199 kbps              81636 kbps
Actual Aggregate Tx Power:         -   6.7 dBm               13.9 dBm
================================================================================                                                                                                                                                             ====
        VDSL Band Status                U0              U1              U2     U                                                                                                                                                             3               U4              D1              D2              D3
  Line Attenuation(dB):  2.1     9.2     13.3     N/A     N/A    6.0     13.1                                                                                                                                                                19.7
Signal Attenuation(dB):  2.1     8.6     12.4     N/A     N/A    7.0     13.0                                                                                                                                                                19.7
                SNR Margin(dB):  15.7    15.6    15.7     N/A     N/A    6.7                                                                                                                                                                 6.7      6.7
                 TX Power(dBm): -20.9   -34.1   -7.0      N/A     N/A    11.2                                                                                                                                                                8.0      6.8

# xdslcmd info --show
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 0
Last initialization procedure status:   0
Max:    Upstream rate = 31183 Kbps, Downstream rate = 81636 Kbps
Bearer: 0, Upstream rate = 19999 Kbps, Downstream rate = 79987 Kbps

Link Power State:       L0
Mode:                   VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:          Profile 17a
TPS-TC:                 PTM Mode(0x0)
Trellis:                U:ON /D:ON
Line Status:            No Defect
Training Status:        Showtime
                Down            Up
SNR (dB):        6.7             15.7
Attn(dB):        10.3            0.0
Pwr(dBm):        13.9           -6.7
                        VDSL2 framing
                        Bearer 0
MSGc:           18              26
B:              239             237
M:              1               1
T:              23              42
R:              0               16
S:              0.0955          0.3781
L:              20104           5374
D:              1               1
I:              240             127
N:              240             254
                        Bearer 0
OHF:            1344120         560151
OHFErr:         1               3
RS:             0               2041115
RSCorr:         0               13
RSUnCorr:       0               0

                        Bearer 0
HEC:            3               0
OCD:            0               0
LCD:            0               0
Total Cells:    341751670               0
Data Cells:     6600290         0
Drop Cells:     0
Bit Errors:     0               0

ES:             1               2
SES:            0               0
UAS:            28              28
AS:             2223

                        Bearer 0
INP:            0.00            0.00
INPRein:        0.00            0.00
delay:          0               0
PER:            1.65            3.98
OR:             116.09          64.22
AgR:            80103.09        20063.54

Bitswap:        53/53           2/2
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Line stats on my Vigor 130.

> show adsl
  ---------------------- ATU-R Info (hw: annex A, f/w: annex A/B/C) -----------
   Running Mode            :      17A       State                : SHOWTIME
   DS Actual Rate          : 47408000 bps   US Actual Rate       : 20000000 bps                                                                    
   DS Attainable Rate      : 47762600 bps   US Attainable Rate   : 23501486 bps                                                                    
   DS Path Mode            :        Fast    US Path Mode         :        Fast                                                                     
   DS Interleave Depth     :        1       US Interleave Depth  :        1                                                                        
   NE Current Attenuation  :       16 dB    Cur SNR Margin       :        6  dB                                                                    
   DS actual PSD           :     4. 8 dB    US actual PSD        :     5. 0  dB                                                                    
   NE CRC Count            :       33       FE CRC Count         :      206                                                                        
   NE ES Count             :       33       FE  ES Count         :      203                                                                        
   Xdsl Reset Times        :        0       Xdsl Link  Times     :        4                                                                        
   ITU Version[0]          : b5004946       ITU Version[1]       : 544e0000                                                                        
   VDSL Firmware Version   : 05-07-06-0D-01-07   [with Vectoring support]                                                                          
   Power Management Mode   : DSL_G997_PMS_L0                                                                                                       
   Test Mode               : DISABLE                                                                                                               
  -------------------------------- ATU-C Info ---------------------------------                                                                    
   Far Current Attenuation :       18 dB    Far SNR Margin       :        6  dB                                                                    
   CO ITU Version[0]       : b5004946       CO ITU Version[1]    : 544eb206                                                                        
   DSLAM CHIPSET VENDOR    : < IFTN >                                                                                                              
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