Post your FTTC line stats & unlocking info

So it arrived, plugged it in and it worked first time!

Now my questions is can I still used by HH5 for its wireless and firewall, how do I set that up?

8800NL (Modem) <> HH5 (Firewall, DHCP) <> LAN



Have a look on the billion forums, it might have been asked already, if not the billion rep is very helpful.
Guys, any idea why my speed has dropped? I seem to have gone from mid 60's to mid 40's downstream.

This is what it was:

# xdslcmd info --pbParams
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason:	0
Last initialization procedure status:	0
Max:	Upstream rate = 16877 Kbps, Downstream rate = 48128 Kbps
Bearer:	0, Upstream rate = 16666 Kbps, Downstream rate = 47663 Kbps

Discovery Phase (Initial) Band Plan
US: (6,31) (882,1193) (1984,2770) 
DS: (33,857) (1218,1959) (2795,4083) 
Medley Phase (Final) Band Plan
US: (6,31) (882,1193) (1984,2770) 
DS: (41,857) (1218,1959) (2795,4083) 
		  VDSL Port Details		  Upstream		  Downstream
Attainable Net Data Rate:	    16877 kbps		    48128 kbps
Actual Aggregate Tx Power:	       6.9 dBm		     14.1 dBm
	VDSL Band Status		U0		U1		U2	U3		U4		D1		D2		D3
  Line Attenuation(dB):	 2.2	 26.0	 38.4	  N/A	  N/A	 14.1	 32.5	 48.3	
Signal Attenuation(dB):	 2.2	 25.8	 38.3	  N/A	  N/A	 16.4	 32.2	 48.3	
		SNR Margin(dB):	 5.8	 6.0	 6.3	  N/A	  N/A	 6.2	 6.2	 6.3	
		 TX Power(dBm):	-3.6	-17.6	 6.5	  N/A	  N/A	 11.7	 7.4	 7.2	

# xdslcmd info --show
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason:	0
Last initialization procedure status:	0
Max:	Upstream rate = 16427 Kbps, Downstream rate = 47892 Kbps
Bearer:	0, Upstream rate = 16666 Kbps, Downstream rate = 47663 Kbps

Link Power State:	L0
Mode:			VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:		Profile 17a
TPS-TC:			PTM Mode(0x0)
Trellis:		U:ON /D:ON
Line Status:		No Defect
Training Status:	Showtime
		Down		Up
SNR (dB):	 6.2		 6.0
Attn(dB):	 19.4		 0.0
Pwr(dBm):	 14.1		 6.9
			VDSL2 framing
			Bearer 0
MSGc:		18		16
B:		239		238
M:		1		1
T:		64		3
R:		14		16
S:		0.1603		0.4565
L:		12680		4469
D:		1		1
I:		254		255
N:		254		255
			Bearer 0
OHF:		154404319		1537207
OHFErr:		150		133
RS:		1291917023		3560201
RSCorr:		2403		5037
RSUnCorr:	918		0

			Bearer 0
HEC:		790		0
OCD:		35		0
LCD:		35		0
Total Cells:	2045912860		0
Data Cells:	358695992		0
Drop Cells:	0
Bit Errors:	0		0

ES:		82		116
SES:		0		0
UAS:		27		27
AS:		397453

			Bearer 0
INP:		0.00		0.00
INPRein:	0.00		0.00
delay:		0		0
PER:		2.57		7.56
OR:		74.59		23.27
AgR:		47737.93	16689.17

Bitswap:	113415/114376		184242/190989

I haven't touched anything at home. All I've tried so far is resetting the modem once and resetting the router.

I went on online chat with Sky and they wanted to book an engineer but I declined as I wanted to give it a week.

To be fair, it seems to have risen from 44 to 48 in terms of attainable rate.

Looks like crosstalk has kicked in and your line has also been banded.
> vdsl status

---------------------- ATU-R Info (hw: annex A, f/w: annex A/B/C) -----------
Running Mode : 17A State : SHOWTIME
DS Actual Rate : 80000000 bps US Actual Rate : 20000000 bps
DS Attainable Rate : 85246592 bps US Attainable Rate : 29356446 bps
DS Path Mode : Fast US Path Mode : Fast
DS Interleave Depth : 0 US Interleave Depth : 0
NE Current Attenuation : 16 dB Cur SNR Margin : 5 dB
DS actual PSD : 6. 3 dB US actual PSD : 12. 6 dB
NE CRC Count : 0 FE CRC Count : 0
NE ES Count : 0 FE ES Count : 0
Xdsl Reset Times : 0 Xdsl Link Times : 5
ITU Version[0] : b5004946 ITU Version[1] : 544e0000
VDSL Firmware Version : 05-04-08-00-00-06
Power Management Mode : DSL_G997_PMS_L0
-------------------------------- ATU-C Info ---------------------------------
Far Current Attenuation : 0 dB Far SNR Margin : 12 dB
CO ITU Version[0] : b5004946 CO ITU Version[1] : 544eb204
Need a little help with telnet here. Can't seem to log into mine, at least from windows, I guess I'm doing something wrong?

Fully unlocked with webgui hg612. Try to telnet into it, to grab stats as the webui is messed up (other than sync rate) since g.inp or at least they are on this firmware.

run the telnet command. I get the prompt for the login. Put username, press enter. Password prompt appears, cmd just freezes before eventually telling me host was lost.

Telnet is fine, as both hg612 modem stats and dsl stats use it to log in and pull stats fine, so I guess the error must be my end.
Are modem stats and dsl stats running while your trying to log in? It could be that it only allow's two connections at once. I seem to remember reading that.
Are modem stats and dsl stats running while your trying to log in? It could be that it only allow's two connections at once. I seem to remember reading that.

No, both are shut. I even shut down the pc with them on, just incase and tried on another pc.

Same thing.

Asks for login. Put username, hit enter. Password comes up, refuses to let you type anything before eventually, the host is lost. If you don't put a username, it will instantly respond with "incorrect login", so it's running.

Is there no way to just do it all at once? like ip + username/password rather than wait for it to ask.

Telnet data can be looked at with dslstats, so I can just use that, but it's rather annoying.
Got the HG612 running now.

Stats aren't looking great:

xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason:	0
Last initialization procedure status:	0
Max:	Upstream rate = 10953 Kbps, Downstream rate = 52512 Kbps
Bearer:	0, Upstream rate = 10953 Kbps, Downstream rate = 52640 Kbps

Link Power State:	L0
Mode:			VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:		Profile 17a
TPS-TC:			PTM Mode(0x0)
Trellis:		U:ON /D:ON
Line Status:		No Defect
Training Status:	Showtime
		Down		Up
SNR (dB):	 6.1		 6.6
Attn(dB):	 23.1		 0.0
Pwr(dBm):	 12.0		 5.1
			VDSL2 framing
			Bearer 0
MSGc:		18		26
B:		239		241
M:		1		1
T:		64		56
R:		0		12
S:		0.1451		0.7026
L:		13232		2892
D:		1		1
I:		240		127
N:		240		254
			Bearer 0
OHF:		6145328		1455580
OHFErr:		29567		21
RS:		0		4182952
RSCorr:		0		260
RSUnCorr:	0		0

			Bearer 0
HEC:		14239		0
OCD:		496		0
LCD:		496		0
Total Cells:	1448999819		0
Data Cells:	130603101		0
Drop Cells:	0
Bit Errors:	0		0

ES:		1964		20
SES:		73		0
UAS:		25		25
AS:		14317

			Bearer 0
INP:		0.00		0.00
INPRein:	0.00		0.00
delay:		0		0
PER:		2.33		9.87
OR:		82.37		25.92
AgR:		52722.05	10978.59

Bitswap:	10076/10082		303/308

Total time = 3 hours 59 min 2 sec
FEC:		0		260
CRC:		29567		21
ES:		1964		20
SES:		73		0
UAS:		25		25
LOS:		0		0
LOF:		0		0
LOM:		0		0
Latest 15 minutes time = 14 min 2 sec
FEC:		0		3
CRC:		2230		1
ES:		169		1
SES:		9		0
UAS:		0		0
LOS:		0		0
LOF:		0		0
LOM:		0		0
Previous 15 minutes time = 15 min 0 sec
FEC:		0		2
CRC:		447		1
ES:		155		1
SES:		0		0
UAS:		0		0
LOS:		0		0
LOF:		0		0
LOM:		0		0
Latest 1 day time = 3 hours 59 min 2 sec
FEC:		0		260
CRC:		29567		21
ES:		1964		20
SES:		73		0
UAS:		25		25
LOS:		0		0
LOF:		0		0
LOM:		0		0
Previous 1 day time = 0 sec
FEC:		0		0
CRC:		0		0
ES:		0		0
SES:		0		0
UAS:		0		0
LOS:		0		0
LOF:		0		0
LOM:		0		0
Since Link time = 3 hours 58 min 37 sec
FEC:		0		260
CRC:		29567		21
ES:		1964		20
SES:		73		0
UAS:		0		0
LOS:		0		0
LOF:		0		0
LOM:		0		0
Got a 612 coming today and never flashed a router before with 3rd party software. Just reading the how to with the modded firmware and don't know which firmware to get or where to get it from.

This part I don't get "3. Configure the ethernet NIC of your PC with IP address"

So if someone could link me the right firmware to grab and let me know about the above line that would be great.

Not sure if it will make a difference in all cases, but I got the master moved to the front of our property (which was next to the point of entry of the cable into the property) and removed all extensions (don't need them thanks to DECT).

Sync went up from 69 to 79 straightaway. Reminds me of ADSL2 24mbit when did the same in an old property it jumped from 8 to 19!
Anyone give me some help please for the love of moses in the bull rushes. I'm doing my best to follow the instructions from the pdf and I cannot for the joy of mary jane get into the modens cp to upload the firmware.

Stuck the IP of onto my nic and default gateway of (not sure if it's an issue with my ac68u using the same IP or not) Got ethernet lead in lan 2 and tuther end in pc. Held the reset button for 5 secs, plugged the power lead in and waited... Then entered and nada happens.

What am I doing wrong... For the love of snakes on a plane can someone show me the way to enlightenment.
Anyone give me some help please for the love of moses in the bull rushes. I'm doing my best to follow the instructions from the pdf and I cannot for the joy of mary jane get into the modens cp to upload the firmware.

Stuck the IP of onto my nic and default gateway of (not sure if it's an issue with my ac68u using the same IP or not) Got ethernet lead in lan 2 and tuther end in pc. Held the reset button for 5 secs, plugged the power lead in and waited... Then entered and nada happens.

What am I doing wrong... For the love of snakes on a plane can someone show me the way to enlightenment.

Yes change the AC68U's IP range to 192.168.0.x so it's outside of the same DHCP range then try access the 612 again, currently they will conflict. I had to do the same for mine last year.
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