Post Your Garden!

Weedol has gone on tonight. I was even more shocked at how much of the lawn is weeds rather than grass. I hope it works!

The sprayer was definitely far better than the watering can. I put 45ml per 2litres so 50% more than the recommended dose. If my lawn dies then we'll know why. :p

I'll update in a little while with what happens.
Did it work?
Did it work?

It certainly did! The lawn was completely weed free for the whole of summer and only now have I just started to notice the odd small one creep back in. It didn't get mowed for around 2-3 weeks recently though which has given the weeds a chance I think. It ended up really lush and thick too.

When we had the really hot spell, I was watering it about once a week but very thoroughly (sprinkler for 1hr+). I noticed that a few parts went brown despite the rest of the lawn remaining green. I thought it might be that the water wasn't managing to penetrate the super dry surface in those areas so I got the fork to punch a few holes in. I found that I was hitting a hard surface almost immediately (1inch down perhaps). I did some digging and found massive concrete slabs/brick chunks. I removed these as best as I can but there is one big patch that I didn't tackle (maybe 1m square). I've no idea what's under that. This has left some bare patches which I'm going to reseed soon.

Now that the rain is back, the 1m square brown patch is back to being lush green again.
Moved into a new house and this is the garden. Only had a few days work so far but this is what i started with.


Managed to get a first cut on the grass, then the old flymo stopped working!



Managed to dig out the path today, and edge the grass up to it, still lots more work to go!

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Doing some late summer maintenance on the front lawn:


- Mowed
- Scarified with Bosch verticutter (lots of thatch came up but there's no much moss in this lawn at the moment)
- Top dressed with top soil and general purpose compost
- Put down pre-seeding fertiliser
- Over seeded

That was a week ago and the pic above is from today. The grass is starting to germinate and come back in really nicely. It looked like the surface of Mars when I scarified it; it's remarkable how quickly lawns recover at this time of year.

There are still some bumps and dips that need attention at some point, though I'll probably wait until next spring for that now.
Moved in about april last year.. just about finished the garden now..

Used to have a lawn, I have zero interest in mowing such a modest space, especially seeing as that would involve carrying a mower up some stairs.. nope.





Now the patch at the bottom is in full veg swing turning out things like this!


Just the fence on the left of the pictures to replace which is hopefully happening next week and then we really are done! :)

Great work what a change :)
Had a crack at levelling and over seeding the back garden today.

- Mowed
- Scarified
- Top dressed with top soil and compost
- Over seeded
- Watered


Should have nicely filled in the bumps and dips where the mower was scalping it on the lower settings. If not, I'll have at it again in 4 weeks!
@Basher Nice leafy burb there. Lots of potential for a great lawn. What are your plans? Ditching the gimmicky ponds and just a nice area of grass gets my vote, though you might need a shade-tolerant grass seed.
It started off looking like this. Well just under half the garden up to the middle fence.

Beautiful but impossible to manage.

Past the fence is just a lost cause though for the time being.




Then a year or so later a fence was added.


And now this is occurring.




Just be pleased it hasn't leveled the garage / house, we have no damage but the parents have several tall fur trees down in a section of woodland.
@Basher Nice leafy burb there. Lots of potential for a great lawn. What are your plans? Ditching the gimmicky ponds and just a nice area of grass gets my vote, though you might need a shade-tolerant grass seed.

Thanks! We've now had it rotavated and waiting to see gif the bamboo spring back up before we turf it. We're also looking at how we make it more private at the front (fence/wall). Vastly better than the two 70's ponds that were there before.
Had a change of colour to the garden from red to a dark brown and some of the plants and bushes are finally taking shape over the last few years.

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