Post Your Home Cine & HiFi Kit...

19 Jun 2009
yeah I'll be going.

FYI for those that haven't been before it's mostly stereo. Perlisten I think were the only ones that had a cinema system in, with TV, subwoofer etc.

Yes I remember Perlisten's setup, it was in one of the small hotel rooms, the room was to small for the gear they had setup.
19 Jun 2009
The Dali room was pretty bad, speakers too big for the room, was shaking the walls, boomy.

I liked the small ATC, and the actives KII towers (£30,000)

I found some of the best stereo setups are in the hotel rooms, from the independents and bespoke speaker manufacturers. The reason I purchased the Yamaha SACD player was an independent was using one to demo is custom speakers and I liked the sound.

Chord I think is there again this year, I mean this sincerely but if there doing the power conditioning/ cables testing demo it's worth sitting in on. I don't own any Chord products mine are Russ Andrews and a little audio quest and ifi, but the Chord demo is doing same sort of stuff. You can watch them switching products out and you will hear the sound improvements.
19 Jun 2009
Well, if the demos were blind it could get pretty embarrassing I suppose.

Last years Chord demo the improvements were pretty obvious. One thing with the North West Audio show, and Chord even admitted, the mains is very contaminated compared to a home environment, so the mains conditioning tests really stand out. It's also why exhibitors they ALL run mains conditioners of various types, this includes even the small independents that are often only selling speakers.

That said if people wish to think it's all snake oil then that's their choice.
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24 Feb 2003
Last years Chord demo the improvements were pretty obvious. One thing with the North West Audio show, and Chord even admitted, the mains is very contaminated compared to a home environment, so the mains conditioning tests really stand out. It's also why exhibitors they ALL run mains conditioners of various types, this includes even the small independents that are often only selling speakers.

That said if people wish to think it's all snake oil then that's their choice.

If it's known that the mains is contaminated at the North West Audio Show, i'm surprised that the exhibitors don't just each bring a balanced power supply with them.
That way they wouldn't need mains conditioners of any type. Perhaps there is more scope to make money out of selling conditioners ?
19 Jun 2009
If it's known that the mains is contaminated at the North West Audio Show, i'm surprised that the exhibitors don't just each bring a balanced power supply with them.
That way they wouldn't need mains conditioners of any type. Perhaps there is more scope to make money out of selling conditioners ?

Balanced mains units have to be setup for the mains, and they don't have much time to set gear up before the show, but you make a good point. Often it's the second day (Sunday) where the systems sound best.
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6 Sep 2016
Had a look at the room with records, things like this wth

"source is 16 bit 44.1khz CD" ;)
29 Jul 2010
Recently got the upgrade itch with my amp, which was the Rega Elicit-R, so after doing some research, I demoed the next model up, the Rega Aethos.

Well, as much as I loved the Elicit, the difference was just night and day! Especially with the speakers, Kef R3's, being quite difficult to drive.

My main complaint before, was that though it had fantastic detail, it could be quite clinical at times and not always engaging.

That's all gone now, the Aethos grips the Kefs so much more, they have burst into life and sing beautifully now with warmth, scale, soundstage and pure musicality in abundance.

I'm quite new to this level of hi-fi journey, but am more than happy with the destination I've ended up!.......(for the moment ;) )

I think my only change I'm looking at now is a 2nd sub (not 4! :p ) as it's an AVR setup as well, but in a small room I'm going to be very limited to where I can place it, which would most likely by at the front, as is the other one, on the opposite side.
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