Mine atm tbh
What's that control panel type widget just above the dock? Would really like that!
Mine atm tbh
Google "x10 wallpaper"
I've found that 7 screens is overkill, dragged it down to 5 now, seeing as the calendar widget isn't much use when you can just click on the BW clock's date to bring up the Sammy calendar. The more I figure out and around, the less widgets I feel I need.
mmmmmm bloody show off
thread title says: Post your mobile phone desktop!
think you want this: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18276588&highlight=tablet+desktop
What's that control panel type widget just above the dock? Would really like that!
Looks like Widgetsoid. You can create your own panel with whatever functions you like, plus choose the colour and transparancy.
I've found that 7 screens is overkill, dragged it down to 5 now, seeing as the calendar widget isn't much use when you can just click on the BW clock's date to bring up the Sammy calendar. The more I figure out and around, the less widgets I feel I need.
exactly the same here firsts days i got my android my 5 screen were full of widgets.. now i use 3 screens and 4 widgets thorough them
I only use 3 screens with a handful of widgets. I could easily use two but I like white space. You should see my app drawer: I only have 15 listed (half the screen).
Looks like Widgetsoid. You can create your own panel with whatever functions you like, plus choose the colour and transparancy.
^Uncheck the "seperators" when making the widget. Will look better, unless you want it like that.
i can't decide
Looks better and cleaner without the lines imo. Have a go with colours aswell, my panel is green on a dark backgound
Going for the minimalistic approach too:
Second homescreen aka "back"