Post your mobile phone desktop!

I love these sort of threads for ideas and inspiration.


I like simplistic and clean looking. I might make use of MinimalisticText again as a few of the others above have.
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Nice notification bar icons, where from? And since i'm asking, what about the launcher icons? :)

I cheated a little. I used my old theme from a month ago which I think looks prettier than my current one (ICS). Please bear in mind I have tailored Motorola Milestone (Droid) themes on CM6.

The notification bar comes from a Sileshn's MIUI theme for CM6 2.4:

XDA Developers

Sadly he's moved onto SGII (and hasn't created an update theme for CM6 2.3.5 which is the reason why I'm currently on ICS)

And the launcher icons and the rest are from the ADWLauncher 'Minimalist' Theme. Apart from one (the scales which belongs to the BBT black theme)

I think I still have the downloads and packs for the MIUI 2.3.3 and 2.3.4 if the download links don't work for you.
Been Playing Again!!..


Nice 'New' plugin for Go Launcher EX called 'Go Locker' that can be skinned!! Mmmm ICS Lock Screen!! :D
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