That's great! Just find its too much going on. Great concept. Wish I had the top of my wallpaper with a London theme
Yeah I changed it back, but keeping the Google Now widget
That's great! Just find its too much going on. Great concept. Wish I had the top of my wallpaper with a London theme
Samsung Galaxy S4
Nothing fancy....yet.
Samsung Galaxy S4
Nothing fancy....yet.
Yes, try a different launcher purleease. That look makes me yearn for a iPhone, and ******* hate them.
Really? For some odd reason I actually don't think it's too bad, personally think it's better than the S3 theme. Still think it's ugly and one of the worse manufacturer skins out there, but it's what I'd call bearable.
From my experience, when I switched from Touchwiz to Nova, I didn't look back.
It doesn't look much, if any different to the touchwiz version on the GS 3
Reverse google search works a charm