Post your mobile phone desktop!

Can you give me a link to that 'applications' icon please.

Also what battery widget is that?


I might as well share my current: nothing special, based on the very popular 'Holo Cards' design on Mycolorscreen


Got a link to your wallpaper mate? The planks of wood?

Variations on a theme as ever, but knocked the background up the other night after seeing a pink and blue one somewhere.

Anyone know if you can change the font colour in any way using Dashclock?


Quite liking a minimalistic approach. Tapping; clock brings up the alarm, date brings up the calendar, icons are grouped folders (media, social, bookmarks, contacts & outside), app drawer, above app drawer empty space brings up messaging, left of app drawer brings up phone, right of app drawer brings up Play and below the internet folder brings up Gmail.
  • Apex launcher (with gesture controls and dock/notifications hidden)
  • UUCW widgets (Lights)
  • SimiFolder
  • Desktop VisualizeR (for the invisible icons)

Still needs a bit of tweaking.
lol there's a little downside to having a 1080p display.. quite a few icon packs etc are too small and get stretched to fit the screen so the quality is reduced and its REALLY visible.. even widgets etc have this problem

Dropbox playing silly buggers

S4. Stock rom rooted & debloated. Nova Launcher, Android Clock & Weather Widget. Simples. Other used apps functions are gestured controlled.
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Rom: FoxHound 1.2
Frameworks: 3minit /Nottach
Icons: Motif
Launcher: Nova Prime
Minimilistic Text
Icon Themer [to theme all system wide icons. ALL OF THEM]

Lockscreen icons [CALLS, TEXTS, MAIL, CHAT] are my own.
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How do I get an invisible transparent notification bar when using CM 10.1.2??

edit: transparent I mean not invisible as that will turn it off, I know how to do that haha
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One annoying thing about UUCW widgets; why do they insist on taking up so much empty space? To get it that big I have to create a massive box.

One annoying thing about UUCW widgets; why do they insist on taking up so much empty space? To get it that big I have to create a massive box.[IMG][/QUOTE]

Can't you just make the font bigger?

Is that desktop?
If yes then use a launcher like nova which has overlapping widgets.
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