Post your mobile phone desktop!

Apex Launcher and the Stamped White Icon pack.

The 'flask' icon in the top left is my Uni timetable for a subject that relates to ;), rather than whatever it really is intended for.

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My current homescreen on my HTC One, tried to keep it minimal while productive at the same time:


I removed the Poweramp icon from the left folder in the dock as well since I use the widget instead, but I'm too lazy to update the screenshots :p. That Keep widget bugs me as well... there needs to be a transparent version...
Just got my Moto G yesterday but I'm already in love with customisation options having just come from WP8. Anyway here is my first crack at a minimalist home screen, feedback is very welcome.

Home screen:

Swipe left to get:

Rooted stock KitKat 4.4.2 on a Nexus 4
Nova Launcher Prime beta
Xposed framework with Gravitybox tweaks (smaller navbar, extra navbar button, day in status bar, circle battery with percentage, bold clock. also other tweaks not visible in these screenshots)
BBC weather widget (transparentified using xposed)
Today agenda and calendar widgets

For anyone not using xposed i highly recommend it. Gives you so many options like in custom ROMs but you can turn them off any time and you still have the stability and OTA updates of stock android. It's great
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Happy with this for now. Eventually I'd like the icons to be following the curvature of the foreground planet and possibly changed to text icons.
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