Has only two homescreens, and 5 invisible buttons in the dock which open folders like the middle image when swiped or launch a default app when tapped. Keeps it clean!
October looks busy
Mine at the moment:
^ you need to darken your notification shade, looks hideous with the clock peeking through!
e: or if you're using xposed, use blurred system ui by serajr
Android L wallpaper eh?
You're right, never bothered me before you pointed it out!
Blurred ui installed.
I noticed
Sure this has been asked before but what is that TV widget.
bluetooth on, wifi notification on, Y U DO DIS?!
turn off the Wifi notification to show open networks - looks papBluetooth is connected to my Moto 360. WiFi, well I'm just lazy. I'm always near a power source in my role so battery is not an issue.