Post your mobile phone desktop!

Here be mine,


Still a work in progress...

EDIT: removed sweary :(

Now using launcherpro plus for the ace calendar and people widget. Weather widget is snowstorm and control bar is extended controls.
That's quite superb. If you could list what you've got and done (I'm new to this) I'd be your new best friend :P

Clock/weather: Beautiful widgets with a skin called LTTRSclockLight (No background) and a weather skin called Dirty paper
Battery = Batt stat and because of launcher pro and the resize widget feature you can put it just off side of the normal "right", "middle" and "left" positions.

I want to get the status bar in to be the same style as the widgets but can't find any simple morphs with it in other than a full flash and cba to wipe everything.
Here be mine,


Still a work in progress...

EDIT: removed sweary :(

Really like it - looks great, but REALLY struggling to understand this current trend of having clocks and battery meters display the readings in words?

It takes longer to read than a % / analogue or digital clock so whats the deal?
I'm not sure on the icons on the dock on these style ones, too iPhoney, and you guys know how I feel about that :D

Otherwise the colours and designs blend well!
^Looks smarter and doesn't spoil the look if your trying to minimalise the amount of widgets on your homescreen.

I dont buy that :p if you are trying to minimalise the amount of widgets why replicate info that is already present on the same screen with somthing that takes longer to comprehend?

I'll just put this down to being one of those inexplicable trends (like having one trouser leg rolled up or liking Paulo Nuttini)
It's Kaloer Clock :)

It looks fantastic when docked at night or the phone put on a stand, the AMOLED screen was made for this app alone - can't imagine it looking anywhere near as swish on a non LED screen due to the backlight bleeding through at night!

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It's Kaloer Clock :)

Has this been updated Khaaan! ?

If i remember correctly, The alarm would fail with users that had a PIN or Pattern lock screen, Even with the option enabled (Wake for alarm or something)

The app was quality, Looks amazing in the dark like you say. I got rid since i use a pattern lock !
I don't use lock patterns so don't know but you can use the Android alarm (just tick the box to use stock alarm) and it works fine.
I'm not sure on the icons on the dock on these style ones, too iPhoney, and you guys know how I feel about that :D

Otherwise the colours and designs blend well!

Well it does come from an iPhone icon pack :p

I know, android, iPhone... Why can't we all just get along?! ;)
only recent update is the super circle battery (type C), i fancied a change when i put OD 3.1.0 on earlier.


Is it possible to get the super circle battery in a normal metamorph so i dont have to flash my phone with a new rom? been looking for ages!

I dont buy that :p if you are trying to minimalise the amount of widgets why replicate info that is already present on the same screen with somthing that takes longer to comprehend?

I'll just put this down to being one of those inexplicable trends (like having one trouser leg rolled up or liking Paulo Nuttini)

Haha fair enough :) i personally just prefer having a nice bold text in either black or white depending on the background rather than a battery of either green, red or yellow depending on charge, spoiling the look of the screen
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