Post your mobile phone desktop!

small update to my back drop.


still running tajm clock, battstatts and launcher pro.
Is it possible to get the super circle battery in a normal metamorph so i dont have to flash my phone with a new rom? been looking for ages!

you dont need to flash anew rom to install super circle battery,you can do it at any point in recovery. i just fancied a change, was using the standard OD battery percentage for a while.

small update to my back drop.

nice background, i downloaded that one yesterday with a load of others, not used it yet :)
This thread has cost me money ;)

Great stuff on here.

I just need to figure out how to rip off and import custom icons. Any how-to's???

I just need to figure out how to rip off and import custom icons. Any how-to's???


i use folder organizer to set my custom icons.

if you want any icons from apps or from icon packs from market (without keeping them installed) you can just backup the .apk (if not rooted), rename it to .zip and unzip, all the icons will be there ;)

or just download the custom ones you want from the web
How do i go about doing that then?

the guy that made it used to have all the zips to flash in the super circle thread, he's changed it now though, looks like you have to make your own.

if you're using OpenDesire like me you can just flash version 3 for v3.1.0 like i did.

Link, please?

here you go, cant remember where i found it
Has this been updated Khaaan! ?

If i remember correctly, The alarm would fail with users that had a PIN or Pattern lock screen, Even with the option enabled (Wake for alarm or something)

The app was quality, Looks amazing in the dark like you say. I got rid since i use a pattern lock !

Kaloer Alarm:

Alarm works with my pattern lock screen :)

Quality app, Will donate !
Anyone got any recommendations for good black and white icons to use with Better Cut? Downloaded most of the ones from the market, but none of them a quite 'right'! ;)
I've got a slightly different look as i've got a custom dock and icons for for launcherpro. New message widget available for launcherpro plus people.
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Snowstorm widget is really nice, gets its data from too :)

My other screens are the same as before but main screen now:

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