Post your mobile phone desktop!


My last one was a bit grey so i've gone for something more cheerful.
So - launcher pro,extended controls,snowstorm weather,calendar pad,the note thing is sticky notes.

Using weather widget, launcher pro plus, and also Folder Organizer with "transparent" skin (i did remove the bar at the top just so it is even more transparent). This is very useful for me if I am going to be travelling, 1 quick press and I can get driving directions.


SwitchPro widget, 3g watchdog, another folder organiser at the bottom


This is my main screen, I don't need a clock as its at the top anyway, have the Battsatt at the bottom, and using folder organiser again at the top for the most common apps that I use. From left to right is a shortcut straight to the alarm function, facebook, People, Photo Album, and Whats App! All with custom icons which have been from ibox (i think thats the name)


When you press the button on the bottom left, it opens up this page.


And again same, with the Games on the bottom right


Nothing unusual here, just facebook widget and stock music widget. I do wanna replace the stock music player, but will need to experiment on some others.


Tech Buzz widget and Game Buzz widget and Sickipedia widget (many lol's had)!


And LauncherPro+ calender widget
This is a great thread! Slight hijack.....while looking through it I've noticed the differences in data connection signals, from G to 3G to H. Am I right in thinking H> 3G > G in speed terms?I have a Nexus One on T-Mobile and I've never seen the H symbol, just G or 3G. Am I missing a setting somewhere to enable the HSDPA? If so can anyone point it out?
This is a great thread! Slight hijack.....while looking through it I've noticed the differences in data connection signals, from G to 3G to H. Am I right in thinking H> 3G > G in speed terms?I have a Nexus One on T-Mobile and I've never seen the H symbol, just G or 3G. Am I missing a setting somewhere to enable the HSDPA? If so can anyone point it out?

Settings > Wireless and Network > Mobile Networks > Network Mode
Finally got mine (Unlocked Desire on 2.2) looking vaguely how i want it (though wish i could find a transparant widget that displayed the day / date so i dont have to have the digital clock aswell as the analog :D ):

Left blue ball opens a FolderOrganizer folder with tools / utils, right ball opens games / entertainment apps.



Appbrain link here:
I've just gone for a simple, plain colour schemed one. Not rooted so can't see a way to do a screenshot, so I've used a camera! How technical of me!


3G Watchdog in taskbar
Switcher pro
Snowstorm weather
Launcherpro icons
Launcherpro wallpaper

I only have two home screens set up. Second screen is a full page calendar using calendar pad. Haven't done a "screenshot" of that one though. All very minimalist and the battery lasts ages!
Here is is my modded home screen and Notification area.... on my Galaxy S
Used Fightspits Super Circle battery mod, then made my own taskbar and signal strength plus changed the Notification area to black gradient..

Home screen is GDE running Froyo theme...


Notification Area:

Onscreen widgets:

Screen 1...
Extended controls
Picture Frame

Screen 2... DEFAULT...
Retro Clock and Date
Smooth Calendar
Smart Shorcuts

Screen 3...
Google Search

Screen 4...
Movie Finder Shortcuts
Movie finder Widget
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Here is mine. Samsung Galaxy S on the official JM1 update. Had a few scary days after jumping the gun and updating to the Froyo beta, but managed to restore all the changes that FW made and now on official JM1 until Froyo is official :)



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