Post your mobile phone desktop!

Oh Noes!!... another Blackberry sneeking in!!.. :p

Did Khaaan! ever upload his icons in full? I have the PSD but I don't have photoshop and although I can open them with Paint.NET I can't edit the text properly. I only want the basics for the homescreen, they're the best icons I've seen so far.
Right fed up of seeing Android screens :/...probably have to re-name this damn forum as the Android phone section.

Heres my BB 9800 torch screen at the moment...running the new fangled OS6, just using a standard theme with berryweather as my weather icon on the screen. Currently playing around with the theme builder for BB's but its buggy as its a beta for the 9800.

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I have just got a Samsung Galaxy S, first really decent phone ive ever had and am bloody loving it :D

If i have more then 1 home screen though, how can i have the wallpaper stay the same, because it kinda centres itself between the 2 which works fine if its a nice pattern, not so well if its some sexy lady! :D
Is that OS 6.0 on the BB? Is it the slider? How is it?

Right fed up of seeing Android screens :/...probably have to re-name this damn forum as the Android phone section.

Heres my BB 9800 torch screen at the moment...running the new fangled OS6, just using a standard theme with berryweather as my weather icon on the screen. Currently playing around with the theme builder for BB's but its buggy as its a beta for the 9800.


Looks nice!!!... :cool:

No it isnt...the one i just posted is running OS6...9800 torch and its brilliant.

Looks pretty nice! Likeing the new BB icons

Yeah, its just a 9700 running OS5 (.938) with 'Precision Refresh' theme one of the nicest 'Free' OS6 themes I've found!.. didn't want all the 'new fandango' scrolly stuff (that doesn't really work yet!!) on OS5... :cool:

I reeeaaallly want OS6... but they haven't got it working properly on the 9700 yet!! (waiting... waiting... waiting... :( )
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