Post your past or recent Chav Stories...

Im unsure what the law defies as reasonable defense in a home intrusion but aslong as u don't attempt to kill them unless theyre capable to kill you i can't see an issue?
I think the chap mentioned probably flew way over the line of 'reasonable defence' once the intruder had his back turned and was legging it..

/can open, worms everywhere
A chap I went to school with did time for attempted murder. He chased an intruder out of his mum's house, grabbing a hammer as he went. He ran down the chap, and proceeded to go to town on him with the hammer, using the claw side of the head. Apparently the injuries he inflicted left the guy's brain exposed, obviously alongside massive neurological damage, and as a result he's now entirely paralysed on one side of his body.

I think the chap mentioned probably flew way over the line of 'reasonable defence' once the intruder had his back turned and was legging it..

/can open, worms everywhere

Possibly so in that situation but he had been in the house attempting to steal would still be worth some beating off most folks.
Not a pop at Grismby or Unicorn, but:

March 11, 2016. Be there.:p

Grimsby can outchav most places.. I won't post stories but this place sucks honestly.

I do hope the movie brings out some positives and doesn't just rip us to bits like skint did.
edit: tbh i don't even know if movies much about us or just uses our name and football team idk
Good afternoon ladies and gents. It is that time again, Friday, and it has been a while since I bumped this to hear some fresh chav-based hilarity.

Come on, please give us a laugh (or cry) tell us of any recent or historical encounters. :)
A chav gave me the eye yesterday as I drove past. He was still wearing what appeared to be grey PJs during the middle of the day.

I knew he was a chav because he had that "U WOT M8" type of face. They all look the same.
The youths near me make me laugh in the evenings when I'm out walking the dog. They hang around in the middle of the path on an unlit cut through in a group of about 10 smoking weed dressed up as North Face ninjas. Every night they apologise for taking up the path and all step to one side for me to walk through!
Some bloke in a clapped out old beemer with his roof down came cruised past me today just after I had returned from a gym session. He was either checking me out or his reflection in the bus stop.

I knew he was a chav because he drove a clapped out old beemer. Probably a 320i with a fake M3 badge on the back, he glared at me because he knew that I knew that his car was an old beemer.

*the above did not happen. I have had too little sleep and too much caffine - for the record I like M3's :)
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Rusty and covered in dents? Think I know the sort...the very worst kind of human being imaginable.
I like how it's still socially acceptable to single out white poorly educated males to hate on, I'll go start a hate thread on middle aged women I think
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