Our first house in Leicester had previously been occupied by some right scumbags. They'd been going out of their way to get themselves evicted so that they could get put into council housing. When the landlord finally evicted them, they trashed the house. Dog poo everywhere, smashed all the bathroom fittings, etc. The landlord had to pretty much guy the place and start over. He tried to pursue them for the costs, but the council wouldn't give up where they'd stashed them.
The young lady next door had been their friend. She was given to playing music at absurd volumes, shouting at her kids, and bringing random men home and having very noisy sex at 3am on the other side of the wall. One time she brought 4 men back and they all had a go in the back yard.
The scumbags who'd got evicted had about £600 of unpaid electric bills. We kept getting chased by the energy company, who wouldn't believe we weren't the old tenants. It didn't help that we couldn't give a forwarding address. The energy company eventually broke into our house through the back door, having attempted to drill the lock on the front door and rendered the door unopenable, and replaced the meter with a prepay one that took £5 for every £15 of credit you put on it and cost a fortune. They eventually replaced it after we got the ombudsman involved, then made a big fuss when they asked for our meter readings and couldn't understand why the meter readings (on the new meter) were lower than the ones on the old one that they'd ripped out. Tangent, but hey ho...
When it got to Christmas, we got invited to the gangbanging girl next door's house for drinks, and figured it would only be polite to go round. The scumbag ex-tenants were there, which was awkward. Someone had a two year old girl and was letting her drink a WKD. Someone called her on it and she said that was nothing - she pinches her vodka at home. We left after about half an hour.
I was glad when we moved out of there.