Post your past or recent Chav Stories...

I like how its socially acceptable to single out chavs as white, poorly educated, young males, I think i'll start a thread implying something that assigns a negative age/gender/class/race stereotype to some other demograph

Not all chavs are white. Female chavs exist too.
Last night on the way to work there were two constructive members of society stood on a cemetery wall getting their bottoms and concerningly small penises out and proceeding to windmill them at traffic.

I'm considering a paintball for any future encounters??
Not all chavs are white. Female chavs exist too.

Was the point of my comment. No one had said chavs are exclusively white young men with a poor education until Roar decided to come and say this:

I like how it's still socially acceptable to single out white poorly educated males to hate on, I'll go start a hate thread on middle aged women I think

I found it funny because he came and made that assumption before anyone else and then implied it was not okay to hate on them for it, so I decided to satirically reply in the same format.
Was the point of my comment. No one had said chavs are exclusively white young men with a poor education until Roar decided to come and say this:


I found it funny because he came and made that assumption before anyone else and then implied it was not okay to hate on them for it, so I decided to satirically reply in the same format.

I see. I wasn't having a go, I've read a lot of your posts and think of you as one of the better posters on this forum. Now you've applied some context to the discussion, I understand and agree.
I like how its socially acceptable to single out chavs as white, poorly educated, young males, I think i'll start a thread implying something that assigns a negative age/gender/class/race stereotype to some other demograph

There's the odd female Chav I'll grant you, but Chav is mostly used for poor white people in this country. Maybe I was wrong about the Men thing.
I grant you the stereotype is usually with the poorer people but definitely not usually white. Their race or colour is probably dependant on the area. The area i live in is predominantly white, so the chavs you see here tend to be white. Go to Southall and most of the chavs you see are south Asian.
it did however highlight why people don't want to live next to social housing tenants

Which really annoys me. Talk about snobby. There is literally nowhere to go round here for people like that and it is a real shame that we can't even look after our own poor.

I'm not saying they (the chavs) were faultless. They should have more respect for their community. But lumping chavs in with everyone who is on housing benefit is like saying all black people are criminals or some other such nonsense. There are some really nice people on housing benefits that respect their communities a lot.
Which really annoys me. Talk about snobby. There is literally nowhere to go round here for people like that and it is a real shame that we can't even look after our own poor.

I'm not saying they (the chavs) were faultless. They should have more respect for their community. But lumping chavs in with everyone who is on housing benefit is like saying all black people are criminals or some other such nonsense. There are some really nice people on housing benefits that respect their communities a lot.

I'm sure there are but you're also much more likely to be exposed to societies **** ups too... so why take the risk if you don't have to.
Our first house in Leicester had previously been occupied by some right scumbags. They'd been going out of their way to get themselves evicted so that they could get put into council housing. When the landlord finally evicted them, they trashed the house. Dog poo everywhere, smashed all the bathroom fittings, etc. The landlord had to pretty much guy the place and start over. He tried to pursue them for the costs, but the council wouldn't give up where they'd stashed them.

The young lady next door had been their friend. She was given to playing music at absurd volumes, shouting at her kids, and bringing random men home and having very noisy sex at 3am on the other side of the wall. One time she brought 4 men back and they all had a go in the back yard.

The scumbags who'd got evicted had about £600 of unpaid electric bills. We kept getting chased by the energy company, who wouldn't believe we weren't the old tenants. It didn't help that we couldn't give a forwarding address. The energy company eventually broke into our house through the back door, having attempted to drill the lock on the front door and rendered the door unopenable, and replaced the meter with a prepay one that took £5 for every £15 of credit you put on it and cost a fortune. They eventually replaced it after we got the ombudsman involved, then made a big fuss when they asked for our meter readings and couldn't understand why the meter readings (on the new meter) were lower than the ones on the old one that they'd ripped out. Tangent, but hey ho...

When it got to Christmas, we got invited to the gangbanging girl next door's house for drinks, and figured it would only be polite to go round. The scumbag ex-tenants were there, which was awkward. Someone had a two year old girl and was letting her drink a WKD. Someone called her on it and she said that was nothing - she pinches her vodka at home. We left after about half an hour.

I was glad when we moved out of there.
Our first house in Leicester had previously been occupied by some right scumbags. They'd been going out of their way to get themselves evicted so that they could get put into council housing. When the landlord finally evicted them, they trashed the house. Dog poo everywhere, smashed all the bathroom fittings, etc. The landlord had to pretty much guy the place and start over. He tried to pursue them for the costs, but the council wouldn't give up where they'd stashed them.

The young lady next door had been their friend. She was given to playing music at absurd volumes, shouting at her kids, and bringing random men home and having very noisy sex at 3am on the other side of the wall. One time she brought 4 men back and they all had a go in the back yard.

The scumbags who'd got evicted had about £600 of unpaid electric bills. We kept getting chased by the energy company, who wouldn't believe we weren't the old tenants. It didn't help that we couldn't give a forwarding address. The energy company eventually broke into our house through the back door, having attempted to drill the lock on the front door and rendered the door unopenable, and replaced the meter with a prepay one that took £5 for every £15 of credit you put on it and cost a fortune. They eventually replaced it after we got the ombudsman involved, then made a big fuss when they asked for our meter readings and couldn't understand why the meter readings (on the new meter) were lower than the ones on the old one that they'd ripped out. Tangent, but hey ho...

When it got to Christmas, we got invited to the gangbanging girl next door's house for drinks, and figured it would only be polite to go round. The scumbag ex-tenants were there, which was awkward. Someone had a two year old girl and was letting her drink a WKD. Someone called her on it and she said that was nothing - she pinches her vodka at home. We left after about half an hour.

I was glad when we moved out of there.
Goodness. Grief. :eek:

What chance do kids have with parents like that. :(

PS: was gangbang girl hot or hanging? :D
Charming journey on the tram home last night with a chav couple sniffing coke, drinking a Diet Coke they announced had been lifted from Greggs and comparing shoplifting notes. The bloke was moaning about losing his licence when the police caught him in a stolen car full of class As on his way to Creamfields and having to get his nan to pick him up from Runcorn after getting bailed.

We had some lovely neighbours that used to kick their young daughter out on the street while they had domestics at full bore in the house. The police were called multiple times before they were finally moved out.

I genuinely didn't think people this bad existed.
Had a chavvy couple having a huge domestic in the street last week, f'ing and blinding at each other. The live in a large 5 bedroom detached house with a Merc and a Tesla on the drive...
Had a chavvy couple having a huge domestic in the street last week, f'ing and blinding at each other. The live in a large 5 bedroom detached house with a Merc and a Tesla on the drive...
That's what it's like round here. Got a few families who are all money and no class.
She was given to playing music at absurd volumes, shouting at her kids, and bringing random men home and having very noisy sex at 3am on the other side of the wall. One time she brought 4 men back and they all had a go in the back yard.

Is that last sentence a euphemism? :o
Charming journey on the tram home last night with a chav couple sniffing coke, drinking a Diet Coke they announced had been lifted from Greggs and comparing shoplifting notes. The bloke was moaning about losing his licence when the police caught him in a stolen car full of class As on his way to Creamfields and having to get his nan to pick him up from Runcorn after getting bailed.

Ahh, those poor innocent white men... don't you feel sorry for them? :D

We had some lovely neighbours that used to kick their young daughter out on the street while they had domestics at full bore in the house. The police were called multiple times before they were finally moved out.

I genuinely didn't think people this bad existed.

Sadly they do, and in droves!

Is that last sentence a euphemism? :o

You're kidding... right? Bless your wee cotton socks.
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