**** Pre-Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

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TBH it looked like an expansion pack for New Vegas with a lightning overhaul and a new plot, protagonist, setting and a dog.

Which I would happily buy. Not at £60, but if it's big and good enough I'd pay £20-30, sure.

If the 14 June full reveal shows off a lot more (graphically, particularly - the textures and animations look quite PS3-era), I will only be getting happier.

At least there were no MMO-only/Microtrans hints to choke on.
The lighting looked better than I remember from FO NV, and the world seemed a bit more colourful and shiny. I wonder if it is ID tech4 rather than gamebro?
As I said before :

It looks like ass! Did you see the character detail, such as his hand and face? May well be Gamebyro again. People getting hyped, way way too early especially as that trailer, wasn't that good

Why does that even matter? Did you play Fallout 3 just for the graphics? Or for the actual open-world free-roaming epic adventure that it offered you? Honestly, you're bashing the game based on a teaser trailer. I couldn't care less what his hand looked like, it's not like I'll be spending the game looking at the hands of all the characters I encounter. Jeez!
Was this released in 2008?

Yes gameplay is more important but big budget studios should be doing both. If the tralier is anything to go by it's already well out of date, never mind when released.
So considering this is a 2015/2016 title that isnt supporting "last gen" why does it look like an expansion pack set in the previous Fallout title? I cant see how they are short of cash following Skyrims success?
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Meh, who cares if the graphics don't look like they'll reduce your PC to a smouldering heap of silicon?

I'd rather be promised a game that looks pretty decent and receive a game that looks pretty decent, than be promised a game that looks amazing, and receive a game that looks pretty decent, like a certain recent release...

It's funny how devs/publishers can't win.

Show a preview with good graphics that are highly likely to be representative of the final product = "OMG it looks like ****"

Show a preview with godlike graphics that aren't representative of the final product = "OMG they lied to us..."
we are united in.....



I was so ready to be disappointed but as soon as that theme music started to roll I got chills!!!! Can't wait:cool:
Looks like the same out-dated engine.. a real shame since we have beauties such as Witcher 3 and GTA ...

exactly if this game is going to using the same Gamebyro garbage as the other games then its going to look and feel outdated the moment its released
Great news!

Looked pretty good to me in places but also a bit dated - maybe they downgraded it deliberately to avoid the cdpr trap.. then will blow us away at launch lol.

Anyway, game-play over visuals for me.
I swear though, some people are blind and they can't see beyond the really ropey parts.






The huge disparity between these images, and the part where he pats the dog shows that the game overall isn't going to look that bad.
I swear though, some people are blind and they can't see beyond the really ropey parts.






The huge disparity between these images, and the part where he pats the dog shows that the game overall isn't going to look that bad.
I cant see how they are short of cash following Oblivions success?

Wat. You do realise that fallout 3, new vegas (not developed by beth soft but they still got money for it) and skyrim came out AFTER oblivion... right?

Those images look great btw spoffle, however someone will hate on them anyway.
I swear though, some people are blind and they can't see beyond the really ropey parts.


The huge disparity between these images, and the part where he pats the dog shows that the game overall isn't going to look that bad.

I thought it looked quite good to be honest. As I said before, I don't care what his hand looked like, I'll be too busy paying attention to the story and the gameplay to be bothered by it! Some people are just too nitpicky about things!
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