**** Pre-Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

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3 Mar 2008
Land Based
I actually like the dated graphics for some reason, it just adds to the character and quirkiness of the game. Can not wait!

Quite a lot of this is part of the art style that goes all the way back to Fallout 1/2. It has its flaws (textures/mesh clipping/face animation), but the 1950 ish style is really evocative with the sci-fi/post apoc theme, just hope they include a generous engine update so modders can take it the rest of the way.
1 Oct 2006
Well, the Gamebryo engine IS capable of very good looking visuals. So really that won't be why it looked the way it did. I have issues with the Gamebryo engine, but the way it looks isn't really one of them.

Just look at how good Skyrim can look with mods, it shows what the engine is fully capable of. My issue is one of stability.

Very true, modded Skyrim is holding it's own against current releases. Some of those AAA titles themselves have been laughable, yet seem to have escaped criticism.

Some parts actually looked very good, and some parts looked really janky. There was something off that suggested it not all parts were necessarily in engine, especially with the dissidence between certain parts. It almost look like it was clips of things in various stages of development.

The last point being key over the coming months, whilst what we say would have had some polish I would expect a bit more of the shiny stuff to be added at E3. Either way, I was too interested in picking up clues about the setting!

The reason I'm interested is simply because they've officially announced it.

Amen to that. :)
1 Oct 2006
Preorder links are being lived up on the site now, linking to Amazon and Game for UK preorders. Amazon, Best Buy and Gamestop in the states.

Nothing showing up on their sites as yet though, not that I'd believe the release dates just yet.
9 Aug 2014
I don't see how they should have a free pass for having outdated graphics just because their last 2 games also had unimpressive graphics. Frankly given that FO3 and NV have reputations of being bug riddled with sub par graphics and janky animations, you'd think they'd make more of an effort to wow people.

Fallout has always had janky animations, its part of the charm. :p

Dude, we will see how the game looks when the gameplay is shown.

I personally prefer gameplay > graphics when it comes to these types of games.

But don't get me wrong, amazing graphics are always nice. :)
4 Jul 2012
Jesus Christ...

'Next Gen'.

Who mentioned "Next Gen", and what is it that you think it means?

Well I guess it's a standard reveal trailer with 0 gameplay, however the graphics looked very dated but the fact that Fallout 4 is confirmed should be satisfying enough.

P.S I hope the dog doesn't die. I don't know why games lately that feature dogs have them die in some emotional way. :(

I think what was mostly noticeable was there was quite a gulf between the visuals in some scenes, and I find it amusing that Neil's only posting images of it looking its worst, so that he has something to whinge about.
29 Jul 2011
In acme's chair.
I don't care what it looks like, I'll be playing it in 4K first off, and then 4K with graphical mods once they begin to appear. :p

To be honest I've missed Fallout so much that I would have settled for a Fallout 3 fixed HD re-hash!

This isn't on the PS3 or XBox 360.

Next gen is a stupid term, PS4 and Xbox One are current gen, and the PS3 and Xbox 360 are last gen...
9 Dec 2010
Next gen is a stupid term, PS4 and Xbox One are current gen, and the PS3 and Xbox 360 are last gen...

This is correct but everyone including game developers and reviewers calls this gen (PS4/XBone) 'next gen' and you know it. I'm cautiously optimistic but to me it looks like it's the Gamebryo engine but just modified. I'll be holding on till some more concreted evidence come up.
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