**** Pre-Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

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Been waiting for soo darn long for this.

I really cannot wait , in actual fact im going to build a hibernation chamber to release me on release day !!
Trailer was pretty bad in my opinion, wasn't exciting at all. Also the visuals are unimpressive for a triple A title to be released in 2015/16/17.

It isn't really a trailer, it's an announcement. Plus, as I've said to others now, have you seen the images I posted? If it comes out looking like that, then what other games have you been playing that look like that?
I originally thought the game looked nice... while watching the trailer on a small 768p screen. I did think the character models were disappointing though. Then folks watching it at 1080p on proper screens revealed how terrible it looked. I even made a graphical downgrade for release joke. I guess that ain't happening, it'll be downgraded from the very start.

In any case, I'll end up relying on mods to make the game look good, like I did with Skyrim.
The problem is that people are whinging about the graphics who are clearly not using their eyes.

True, and they'd still complain if they ramped up the gfx, as to cope with a large world with super high res textures would set most people back £1k + in gfx cards.

Some people just want to lord over their wasted cash on titans :P

I'd rather have a slightly dumbed down game graphically that can be enjoyed by the majority of people. Fallout is a special IP and you shouldn;t be restricted by hardware for it.
Did you actually watch the whole trailer? Did you see the images I posted?

I'm unsure how you can claim it's got super low poly models and low res textures as a whole.

Also "last gen" doesn't mean anything, and as such it clearly isn't "last gen" at all.

What games "last gen" have you been playing that looked like:

I'd love to know.

It looks exactly like a last gen (X360 / PS3 target) Tech4 PC port.
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Jizzed hard over that trailer. who gives a **** about the graphics seriously , rock solid gameplay is all im after.

The point is that the graphics are representative of the fact that this title has been in development forever. Development hell titles are almost never worth the wait.
I thought that for once in my life I'd be the OP of a big thread about a game series I feel strongly about, and would update the OP with news and updates, but it seems that yet again it had been stolen and merged with a thread with an inferior opening post... :(
It looks exactly like a last gen (X360 / PS3 target) Tech4 PC port.

Okay, so what games have you been playing that look like this?


Also, games aren't ported.
The dog mesh needs some work, imo.

But i am not a moaner when it comes to graphics, Bethesda falls down on in-depth story telling and interesting questing, they first and primarily need to deal with that.
The point is that the graphics are representative of the fact that this title has been in development forever. Development hell titles are almost never worth the wait.

No they aren't, and Fallout 4 has been in development hell at all. Where are you getting this information from?

Daggerfall was released in 1996, Morrowind was released in 2002, Oblivion was released in 2006, Skyrim was released in 2011.

Fallout 3 was released in 2008, Fallout New Vegas was released in 2010, and it looks like Fallout 4 is going to be released in 2015.

As you can see, this lines up with the sort of time scales Bethesda deals with. So again, where are you getting this information from?
What would be worse a game with amazing graphics but no story and can complete in 3-4 hours or an amazing game, amazing quests great story that lasted ages but but was mediocre graphics?
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