Predators (3) is definately happening...

The only good thing about seeing this film was that I got to see the Inception trailer on the big screen, other than that...pretty damn dire!!!
Just came back from watching it, didn't think much of it. Anyone explain why the predators have become so small in comparison to the first one? :p
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Can't say I'm surprised people are not liking it, still a shame though surely it's not that hard to come up with a good predator film?

Guess I'll wait for it to come out on Blu Ray then
I think the biggest problem and this was pointed out to me via imdb.

They come back every season after improving and getting better, yet they still have the same weapons as 1987 where as in Predator 2 they actually had new ones!

"you will probably enjoy it more as a film on its own rather than something that's part of an predator franchise if that makes sense. "

I think this is the problem it has a lot to live upto.

Also regarding the flint lock pistol, I think thats just a trophy and indicates how old as a species they are.
Not seen it yet but i am pretty sure that the weapons are based around an honour type of kill. Knife and Spear for upclose and shoulder cannon for long range or devastation. The others are in the AVP films just not massivly played on as they are a bit overkill... 10 predators with discus thingys would not make much of a film...
Just came back from watching it, didn't think much of it. Anyone explain why the predators have become so small in comparison to the first one? :p

I dont think they can find actors/anyone with the right physique as the guy who played the original.

AVP they were big but bulky big. Probably some NBA players will fit the height and agility look of the original.

I've not seen this yet, but I would've assumed it was terrible since there's not been much hype about it. Watching the quality slide from AVP to AVPR. I didnt expect anything else.

Quick look at IMDB though, it looks like it might be ok. At the very least decent editing/acting/production. AVPR is probably one of the worst movies in terms of actual production I've ever seen. It was like a TV movie, with some teen love movie themes thrown in.

Cant believe who gave the nod for two stunt coordinators/brothers to direct it.
Saw it last night. Decent movie at best but nothing more than that. Predator is such a classic though so its always in the back of your mind when your watching it.

I think the best part of it was the new CGI effects on the infa-red predator mode. Looked really good in the cinema. Also liked the original soundtrack used in parts of the movie
Just came back from watching it, didn't think much of it. Anyone explain why the predators have become so small in comparison to the first one? :p

Wasnt the bloke who played the Predator in the first film the same guy who played Bigfoot in Bigfoot and the Hendersons? As im pretty sure he died a while back.

Edit yeah he died in 1991 and was 7'2" cant be many actors that tall.
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Saw it this afternoon. For me, the big problem with it was that in trying to recreate the atmosphere from the first (and it does this reasonably well), it just didn't feel original or fresh.

If I'm honest, the constant doffing of it's hat to the '87 original wore thin very quickly. I got the feeling that it wasn't necessarily the makers paying their respects, but rather it was them desperately trying to prove that it wasn't another AvP sequel.
Lets face it the best things about the original film was arnie and his one liners, theres no " stick around" in any of the new ones so i guess thats whats missing.
Wasnt the bloke who played the Predator in the first film the same guy who played Bigfoot in Bigfoot and the Hendersons? As im pretty sure he died a while back.

Edit yeah he died in 1991 and was 7'2" cant be many actors that tall.

It wasn't just the size, the guy actually had experience playing monster roles, which isn't as easy it may seem.
I just got back from watching Predators and thought it was quite good. In terms of how bad the AvP movies were and the acting in them two movies, Predators stands up strong. I think its a good addition to the trilogy.

There's always things you can think of changing but come on, this is no way as bad as the AvP movies.
Just came back from it.
Is no one forgetting the worst thing about this movie?
The end credits tune?
Someone wanna explain that?

I would guess you have not seen the original movie - or have forgotten it in that.

I enjoyed the film. At times it seems a little close to the original, but was enjoyable and fun. Much better than recent efforts. With a charactor like a predator, its difficult to think of scenarios where it would work.

I still wait for Aliens Earth War....
Saw it this afternoon. For me, the big problem with it was that in trying to recreate the atmosphere from the first (and it does this reasonably well), it just didn't feel original or fresh.

If I'm honest, the constant doffing of it's hat to the '87 original wore thin very quickly. I got the feeling that it wasn't necessarily the makers paying their respects, but rather it was them desperately trying to prove that it wasn't another AvP sequel.

Ye it was like it was trying to hard to reference back to the original movie with every chance it got. The soundtrack was good enough but the one liners and quotes from the original movie popped up way too much. It felt kind of forced

The film was a step in the right direction away from the other movies (Avp ones) but I felt it needed to take another step to be a real stand out movie.
I was looking forward to watching this..but I think i need to re-evaluate my expectations! I hate references to old films and using any old dialog is pathetic!..e.g terminator salvation, utter ****!
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