PREY demo today...

v-zero said:
Yes, but most of that is not heavily bump-mapped.

Just about everything is normal mapped(bump mapping isnt used anymore) in Prey, FEAR is the same. But if a dynamic light isnt shining on it, it wont be visible.

v-zero said:
Prey is better on this front, but still very linear in many "hidden" ways....
Yeah the gameplay is pretty linear :(
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Main thing for me is that Prey and D3 look very similar, and the worlds have a 'cartoony' look about them. I really do prefer the Source engine by a huge margin - the only thing I find it lacks is the fantastic real time lighting of the D3 engine which is what really adds to the atmosphere.

(Still wishing for a Deux Ex remake in the source engine...)
For me, the FEAR engine has the best of both worlds - it looks real, unlike the cartooney D3, and has the power of the source engine - which is probably the reason it runs so poorly in comparison... It's really a next-gen engine that slipped forward... Oh yes, when I say bump mapping I mean what you call "Normal Mapping". Normal Mapping is just dot3 bump mapping, so thats why I still call it bump mapping...
Matmulder said:
Main thing for me is that Prey and D3 look very similar, and the worlds have a 'cartoony' look about them. I really do prefer the Source engine by a huge margin - the only thing I find it lacks is the fantastic real time lighting of the D3 engine which is what really adds to the atmosphere.

(Still wishing for a Deux Ex remake in the source engine...)

That's the reason Source would be poop for a Deus Ex remake, shadows and lighting. Deus Ex is a gritty, nightime based, dark game, and Source just can not handle lighting and shadow effects like Doom 3 can unfortunately. Maybe valve will pull a big update out along the lines some day with shadow and dynamic lighting effects, but we can only hope.

v-zero said:
For me, the FEAR engine has the best of both worlds - it looks real, unlike the cartooney D3, and has the power of the source engine - which is probably the reason it runs so poorly in comparison... It's really a next-gen engine that slipped forward... Oh yes, when I say bump mapping I mean what you call "Normal Mapping". Normal Mapping is just dot3 bump mapping, so thats why I still call it bump mapping...

FEAR looks no better or worse in my opinon to that of Doom 3 / Source engines, it's just a horribly made engine, as with games like that, it has to be scalable, and it just seems to be pants on anything but half decent systems.
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this is awsome, lol at him being sick at the same time as me nearly. had a glass of red wide nearly spit out at my lovely 19" tft. :eek:
will get this game no doubt, multi player is good too.
Yep, finally had a chance to give it a go. Excellent! But at the same time extremely frustrating... I can't live without decent AI, and the D3 engine just doesn't allow for this...

Anyway, looks and feels great. Runs well, some bad tearing - vsync helps.

Not a FEAR beater, but something good/great to pass the time waiting for Crysis and others...

Still, I know in my mind that FEAR looks and plays better... hmm...
v-zero said:
For me, the FEAR engine has the best of both worlds - it looks real, unlike the cartooney D3, and has the power of the source engine - which is probably the reason it runs so poorly in comparison... It's really a next-gen engine that slipped forward... Oh yes, when I say bump mapping I mean what you call "Normal Mapping". Normal Mapping is just dot3 bump mapping, so thats why I still call it bump mapping...
It only looks cartoony because of the stylised art there Lead artist chose. if you were to take textures from source or the FEAR engine and stuck them in the Doom3 engine, chances are, they would look the same. An engine is merely a vehicle to display the models and textures, created by the artists.
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Buzza said:
if you were to take textures from source or the FEAR engine and stuck them in the Doom3 engine, chances are, they would look the same. .
That was done on the doom3world website in a map that was never released and they did look the same as they did in hl2.
Wow just read the whole thread and no negative comment so far :eek: (well, didnt see one), this game must be like sex. :p Im downloading it now :D
amazing game :eek: I havent completed it yet but im finding it very fun and addictive! I guess they pulled it off and went with what they said :p Very well done to the team who made this very innovative and funny game!


More shots:

BTW I am stuck on this bit, can anyone help me get through it :(

I've just downloaded this but i cant select 1400x900 for my TFT and everything looks pants :(

Bony Maloney said:
alter these settings in your: programmes\prey demo\base\preyconfig:

seta r_customHeight "1050"
seta r_customWidth "1680"

seta r_mode "-1"

seta r_aspectRatio "2"

If the last line is not there, add it and save on exit.

That will give you widescreen at your desired res, It still may show as low res in the options, but it works in game

Ah ha ! Will try this after work :)
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KizZ said:
More shots:

BTW I am stuck on this bit, can anyone help me get through it :(

Spirit walk thought the force field.
Notice that star on the floor? They are in various parts of the game, its to give you a hint as where to use spirit walking.
That’s 1 thing I love about the doom3 engine you don’t need a stupid high spec to play it at high settings my 6800gt doesn’t even struggle, haven’t enjoyed a demo so much since cod :D
This game looks very good, only played about 10mins so far but in the dar so could not fully appreciate the gfx. By the way, this game is capped at 60 fps or is it just me..?
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