Still cant find the pc demo, dont see any mention of it since the twitter comment either.
To the right of the Add to Cart button
Still cant find the pc demo, dont see any mention of it since the twitter comment either.
I'm not an advocate of football games, but this brings my **** to a boil. Konami have a lot to answer for!
....and yet PES 2016 is still easily the best football game on the PC platform, ever...
Spent few hours on it today. Have played every release of PES since N64 days and this is best since PES 3, maybe better
PLayed PES5 to death, not one PES has lived up to it since - just never feel to control the ball and the defender nearly as well as in the old PES.
Will try this one after missing the last two installments.
I think he means the scripting, for example all of a sudden at 70mins into a game the CPU suddenly starts scoring ridiculous goals from equally ridiculous crosses from the halfway line.
-Got to your root folder where the PES2016.exe is installed and go into the 'download' folder - ..\Pro Evolution Soccer 2016\Download
-Copy over the DpFileList.bin & BPL1516.cpk files you have downloaded into this download folder.
Load up the game and you will now have English league official kits in hd!
Its a port of the ps3/360 version so I'm not surprised the graphics arnt that great.
The ps4 version looks far superior to the PC version. And even though there all on the same Engine it looks like they used the ps3/360 version to do the port from.
No, No, No, NO.
Think about the differences between versions as a graphics detail slider.
Using the SweetFX files (I think linked to somewhere in this thread..or was it on STEAM?), you can see how the appearance of the PC version is greatly enhanced. Most noticably, the faces go from that moulded (low res) plastic look to much higher detailed faces. The turf also becomes much more 'alive' and detailed, although it is best to force MSAA and AF through the graphics card driver suite to get the smoothest overall nicest effect for when the game is actually playing. If you use the SweetFX files, you will also notice a big increase in the detail of the thread patterns in the player's shirts.
As for the crowds, that will be a completely different file which likely has not been included in the PC version (It would be nice if it was) and most certainly not in the PS3 version (cos why would they?).
It is the SAME game on all platforms, just with different graphics settings or plug-ins used for different versions.
If someone could get all the bobs n whistles from the PS4 version into PC compatible file format, then the PC version could be modded to exactly replicate the PS4 version.