Project - 37a (Wendyhouse)

More moving in fun!

Started getting the stuff in the rack today and got my main 2 PC's in

Left hand N54L is my backup server and right hand is my esxi toy server

Corsair is my main gaming pc and the think unit on the desk is an i7 powered Ubuntu spare for if I don't want to game or want to do some work at home.

Still a lot of cables to sort out and the big gap in the rack is for my main Node804 server.

2m desk leaves room for either a "hot desk" for a laptop or a take it apart area.

The mess

This beast has been waiting a long time to sit here
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Looking good, nice to see the room is filling up with lots of technology goodness, make sure you get it all neat and tidy though as I don't want to see that networking messy for the final photos :D
Sweet mother of god, you have more tech in there than our server room at work! Looking really sweet mate, bet you're glad to be in.
Sweet mother of god, you have more tech in there than our server room at work! Looking really sweet mate, bet you're glad to be in.

I do love my MikroTik, I think I can fit at least another 1 if not 2 rack mounted units in so watch this space!

Been following this and still loving how it's getting on. Can't wait for the end

I genuinely don't think there will be an actual "end" to this.

This evening I've got Ubuntu-backup-server (desktop) up and running and added another disc to the RAID 5 and got the ESXi box up as well.

Productive all around. Won't get a lot done this weekend as I'm off driving a Lambo but am going to try to get the sofa in next.
I do love my MikroTik, I think I can fit at least another 1 if not 2 rack mounted units in so watch this space!

I genuinely don't think there will be an actual "end" to this.

This evening I've got Ubuntu-backup-server (desktop) up and running and added another disc to the RAID 5 and got the ESXi box up as well.

Productive all around. Won't get a lot done this weekend as I'm off driving a Lambo but am going to try to get the sofa in next.

That just means my suspense runs for longer... :D

So far though, genuinely it's awesome.
It must be time for some more pictures! :D

I'm trying to do something worthy if I'm honest. I've had very little to no progress externally over the past week but internally it's coming on nicely. Got some more man goodies in and I'm just trying to get a van to get my sofa.

Now it's semi usable I've been gaming a LOT in there.
First update of the day

Well this happened yesterday but I didn't have chance to get pics up;

Door gap sealed and fixed properly, shed side door done and light back up.

More "man" stuff inside

Excuse the mess but the RB3011 (black rack mounted mikrotik) has gone faulty so the small at the very top is taking over for the time being.

Gaming area

Tech area

Heater area

Mess area to be updated later today

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Excellent... it is starting to look like proper 'man cave' now! :)

Nice to see a few 'finishing touches' on the walls also, such as a clock, calendar, a mirror... and 'things' on the window sill!

Edit: I have just looked at the clock again, and realised that it is not your 'normal' clock face! :)
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Second update for today

It's Valentines day so the romantic chap I am I treated the Mrs to helping me lift a sofa in a borrowed van :D

Cave shoes

View from the new sofa

Hook for outer garments (or keys)

More man articles

So that will be it now until about the 27th when the guys are coming back to put the guttering on and board the shed side. Until then it'll be lots of gaming and maybe a bookshelf or 2 to store more stuff.
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It's Valentines day so the romantic chap I am I treated the Mrs to helping me lift a sofa in a borrowed van :D

Glad you did this project for yourself, now enjoy it, hopefully i was a little inspiration on yourself but i doubt it.

Im working on a new project myself :)
Glad you did this project for yourself, now enjoy it, hopefully i was a little inspiration on yourself but i doubt it.

Im working on a new project myself :)

Your cave was 100% my inspiration for this so please be safe in the knowledge you are my mancave-muse.

Looking forward to seeing your new idea. I have a feeling mine will start to spill over into the garden now to try and tidy away the mess I've made.
Small weekend update

Got a bit restless this morning so have done a few little jobs in the cave.

I now have a heater on the wall and connected into it's own fused spur

And also a bin

And I put the bookshelf up, just needed it to hold my small amount of books and DVD's and more than anything a display stand for the gauntlet!

Jobs are slowly being crossed off to completion now :)
(well nearly completion, the fun won't ever stop)
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