Project - Blueboy - Watercooled Lian Li v2000

Thanks guys, i'm itching to get this build done now. Got some more box section steel to raise the second rad stand up to the same height as the first one, just needs cutting, priming and spraying. I am also looking to get some black perspex to make a contoured cover for the hdd area and possibly replace the roof rad cutout with either some clear or blue live edge perspex as a nice window so the 6990 block will be visible through.
Put my final order in for the rest of the components and ek are shipping my 6990 block on friday. Have gone for:
ek nickel backplate,
another phobya 140.3 rad stand,
xspc d5 xtop v2,
primoflex pro lrt clear
and an assortment of fittings, some more 5mm leds and another temp sensor.

I have also ordered an A3 sheet of black acrylic to tidy up the back of the drive bays, i'll bend this using a heat gun and probably have some cutouts/holes for cabling.
Everything is ready except the gpu block which should hopefully be dispatched tomorrow...from Slovenia. Had a go with some res/pump configs using male to male connectors and liked the results so may well use them like that, sinking the d5 body into the midplate and using the xtop to sit on top. Allowed me to have the inlets and outlets nicely lined up as well. I'll know for sure when i strip this all down and can see what sort of space i really have. I've also cut and sprayed the rad blocks, same as for the first stand. Contemplating a single slot pci bracket for the card, curious if anyone has any experience with these on what will become a very heavy card with the full cover block. Would spray this black.
Heres the sort of pump res setup i am thinking of using, i'll sink the round part of the d5 into the case midplate by drilling some 60mm holes so the xtop sits on top. I'll probably cut a neoprene ring to absorb any vibrations.
I like how that looks :) good idea. If you got room I think it would look with the pump through the midplate. Need the block from EK to really get this going.
I like how that looks :) good idea. If you got room I think it would look with the pump through the midplate. Need the block from EK to really get this going.

Just want to get it done now, pc is in a bit of a state at the mo. Hopefully get the block early next week. I don't think i can have the whole pump below the midplate as my rads come up quite high, i can fit the body below though.

very nice build

Thanks :)
Ok got a missed delivery card from the postman so fingers crossed that it's my block. Flushed the pa140.3, was pretty clear even after the first flush. Found the perfect hole cutter at work for sinking the pump body through the midplate, here's a mock up with a bit of ply.

Build is going well, not sure I can fit a dual loop in as it is so am looking into modding the front drive bay holder. Got both rad stands in the bottom with some enthusiastic power filing. Hope to get some more pictures up tonight.
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Dual loop is back on, managed to mod the hard drive cage which gave me the room for the pumps and res' :)
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Everything is in and leak testing. I'll post the pics up tomorrow. Here's the new full spec of the loop.

Ek Supreme hf full nickel
Ek fc6900 nickel plexi
Hwlabs sr1-420
Thermochill pa140.3
2x Phobya 420 rad stands
2x D5 Vario with ek xtop v2
2x ek multi res 250
8x TFC 3/4od compressions
4x 90 degree rotaries
2x koolance 10mm extenders
4m primochill primoflex lrt clear
Ek koolant uv blue
3x Gelid wing 14 uv blue
3x Yate loon d14sl uv blue
Here are the rads, on the left is the SR1-420 which will be for the cpu and on the right the Thermochill PA140.3 for the 6990.


The pa140.3 is slightly longer and thicker thant the sr1

Tools ready

Positioning the first set of rad blocks, you can see where i had to power file the front of the case to fit the front rad in

Add rad stand

and second one finished, space at the rear is for the psu.
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Started out by cutting the holes in the midplate using a 64mm hole cutter, the d5 body is about 60mm so it gives me a bit of play should i need it. I piloted the holes first with a 3mm bit then used the hole cutter

First one done

and the second

Pumps in

fully mocked up

Tubed up the cpu loop first as the sr1 rad is at the back, had to drop a fan on the rad though to route the tubing, doesn't seem to have afected my cpu temps much as it's getting decent airflow from the front rad anyway.. Using the pumps and res' like this helped keep the loops simpler, which was handy as i used around 3m of hose.

Got the pa140.3 in and fitted the gelid wings using the suplied self tappers

Here's the original loop, i went back to the drawing board as i wasn't happy with the tubing.

Close up of the pumps
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The fan on the 6990 was a pita to remove, the thermal tape was very sticky and made a worrying sound when when it finally came unstuck, everything was ok though. Stock thermal paste was very dry as well.

Naked 6990 with new thermal pads

Very pleased with the results



Fingerprints :p
:eek: those 2 thermal pads at the bottom doesn't look straight :(
Also I hope you cleaned off the remaining TIM around the 2 GPUs!

Just me and my OCD!
Yeah i cleaned it all off after i took the shot, needed some isopropanol. The pads were fine they completely covered the ram.
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