Project - Blueboy - Watercooled Lian Li v2000

If the sound changes by mouse wheel movement then it cant be fan can it?
It may be coil whine. My PSU is whining when under load (running OCCT) , but the current levels are rock solid.
Took the psu back they tested the output from it and it passed fine but they gave me a new unit anyway, time to try this one.
New psu is much better, doesn't sound like crickets in a field at night anymore :)

Now I just need to figure out why both my wireless cards are giving me the sane limited access upon connecting to the home network. Have even bought a new ariel in case that was the problem and tried other pci slots. My laptop and iPhone connect fine as well.
Full reinstall of windows, seemed to cure a few minor niggles i was having and back online :)

Managed to pick up a thermochill pa 140.3 to add to the sr1 420, need to decide if i'm going to dual loop and maybe add another colour hose or go for a crazy 140.6 loop :D
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Hehe yeah, the guys are pretty helpful there. I'd usually buy online from ocuk but i needed the psu that day and it's only 5 mins away from me. Got it for a decent price as well :)
Yeah they've been good to me as well, it's only 30 minutes from me on the train and walking so if I need something desperately or I'm too impatient to wait till the next day then I go there.
Got my EK rma number so I will hold out on buying the block incase I can get the 6990 block as a replacement, told them i'd pay any difference between the blocks so fingers crossed :)
Picked up the second rad for the rebuild. Thermochill PA140.3, big thank you to Julian :)
I'll get some comparison pictures done when i strip the sr1.
My Gelid wing 14 uv blue fans have arrived. Quality is excellent with removable blades for easy cleaning, pre braided cable and suplied with rubber mounts, screws and a noise reduction cable.

Frame is quite glossy and has the open corner design. Forgot to show the nosie reduction cable, it's basically a 3 pin cable about 15cm long

Blades easily pop out

Blade edge has a small lip that's designed to improve airflow and noise. the top side of the blade is smooth while the underside is slightly rough

Quick uv test

Compared to the yate loon d14sl uv blue there are more blades (11 vs 7) that are closer together which should create more static pressure, the colour is also more vibrant.

Full spec

Nanoflux Bearing (NFB)
Optimized Winglet Fan Blades
Waterproof and Dustproof
Long Lifetime 100,000 hours
Rubber Fan Mounts
Fan Speed Control


Air Flow (CFM) 80.0
Bearing Nanoflux Bearing (NFB)
Cable Length (mm) 500
Connector 3 Pin Molex
Current (A) 0.35
Dimensions (mm) 140 x 140 x 25
Fan Speed (RPM) 1200
Noise Level (dBA) 12 - 26
Safety Approvals UL, CUL, CE, RoHS Compliant
Static Pressure (mmAq) 1.45
Voltage (V) 12
Accessories Four rubber fan mounts and fan speed controller
Weight (g) 119
Warranty 60 months
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They have a very high sheen to them, overall finish is excellent. Hooked them up to the sr1 and at full rpm (my fan controller shows 1290rpm) they have a low airflow sound to them that's not unpleasant and sounds purposeful they also shift a good amount of air. At 1000rpm they are near silent and deffinately shift more air than my yate loons did. Ghetto res position until i get my 6990 block :p
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Running them at 600rpm and can hear nothing from them, very pleased with them. Quite pricey especially when you need a few but these seem to have the best colour for my build and performance is great too.
But back down to earth, i have to wait until the block is made as they have none in stock. Next friday is looking like the earliest i'll get the block :(
That is cool they let you do that, next time I take mine apart if there is problems might try to get it swapped for a different one as saves a little but of cash.

Those fans like nice though in the pics look a bit purpley compared to blue uv of the loop. Having so much UV though makes sense to me, no blingy lights all looks clean until you flip the light switch.
Ek have been very helpful throughout the rma and kept me upto date at every step. I prefer the uv to the led's as well and its nice to be able to just turn the lights off. The colour difference is due to the tubing being uv/clear i'm going to go with normal clear tubing (primochill, the masterkleer is good but kinks a bit to easy for my liking) with the uv blue coolant for the rebuild which matches the fans :)
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