Project Cars 2 is en route :D

Good to hear a 980ti can still cut it. great news!

Currently £31.99 with prime £2 discount on rainforest, very very tempted

Only question. Is the DFGT supported? Don't want to have to buy a new wheel
Is it worth holding onto the Rift for PC2? I bought it a few weeks ago and have used it with PC1 a few times but I get motion sickness and find the image quality puts me off as items in the distance are just really blurry.

Could be swayed to hold onto it for PC2 if its a lot better but have a feeling it won't be.
Is it worth holding onto the Rift for PC2? I bought it a few weeks ago and have used it with PC1 a few times but I get motion sickness and find the image quality puts me off as items in the distance are just really blurry.
Could be swayed to hold onto it for PC2 if its a lot better but have a feeling it won't be.

Have you tried just doing some short stints, it's unlikely you will find it much better if you are susceptible. You can "get your vr legs" by persisting but it might take time...the laptimes have increased (to be more in line with realistic times), and overall it feels like you are going a bit slower. I find turning world movement right down helps a lot too...
Yeah I've tried using it for short periods, I tend to do a couple of races every monday with the 'lads' but still no luck.

I'll see if I can tweak the settings

You're in good company, Michael Schumacher famously couldn't get on with simulators at all due to motion sickness, and that's with monitors not VR....

Played a last hurrah before release tonight RSR 60 minute race...I qualified well in 4th, someone left so I started 3rd...spun on lap1 down to 13th...fought my way back to 4th after 20 minutes solid lapping until the guy i was chasing down spun out and i couldn't miss him i was so close, hit him then barriers massive damage...this was at turn1 so tried to limp back to the pits, had 2 more big shunts from fast movers as I limped along desperately trying to keep out of the way...pit speeding penalty

After repairs I went out had a little spin into the barriers, damaged rad overheating back to pits...same again, 3rd time through the pits i hit the pit limiter button by mistake and ended up getting dq'd for speeding...20 minutes of the session remaining..

Disappointing. Had some pickup racing and can highly recommend the Escort RS1600 at Cadwell GP, beautifully balanced slidey fun, loved it... 2 weeks of Elite Dangerous now then...
I have a triple screen (3x24") setup, that I use when not in VR, picked up a VonHaus triple monitor stand that clamps to the desk for about £50, that's collecting dust right now lol. For driving sims it's great, but for flight/space sims you need more vertical height as well as the width...I picked up the monitors on special for under £100 each...far better than the single 24" I had before. I've tried a 42" TV as well which was good because you could just see more, but not as good as triples, if you wrap them around it's like sitting in the car (not as good as VR but better resolution)...
I could run Pcars 1 on a 980ti good mix of high settings at pretty stable framerates at 1440 in a g sync monitor, so if Pcars 2 is better optimised - my rig should be ok, but seems some of the age old issues with the previous game are still present.. I'll wait for a steam sale and look at FM7 for the time being...
That just depends on whether you expect to get a lot of use out of it, there's plenty of base content, but the dlc/season pass should include some lovely stuff. I effectively paid for my full content 2.5 years ago so it's pretty much a done deal for me, no backing out now, lol.
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