Project Cars 2 is en route :D

Sorry if I've missed this somewhere but if I was to buy a boxed copy of this would it come with a Steam key or just be standalone?
Many is a bit of an overstatement especially when you compare it to the mess that was PC1, but yes there are still some bugs to flatten... no access until the 22nd after tomorrow...

It's so much better than the first game already.
What are some of the issues?
The big one for me is AI, getting rammed on the straights by AI cars overtaking is not cool.
They also brake much later in the corners punting you off and if they do manage to get past then they stand on the brakes mid corner so you run in the back of them.
Large pile ups on the first lap mostly first corner, also corner cutting by AI.

Game save setup is a confusing mess and half the time doesn't work.
Having to go into the hud menu and save the virtual mirror every session or you won't have it in cockpit view.
lack of random start lights allowing anticipation and ramming as in pC1.
End qualifying early and AI set impossible times.

It is overall more stable in fact I've had no pc crashes for months and they seem to have just fixed the constant tire smoke in corners.

I was wrong tyre smoke is still there in faster cars and fast turns, only the player cars is the issue.
I haven't tried MP or VR so I can't say what issues they have.
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The big one for me is AI, getting rammed on the straights by AI cars overtaking is not cool.
They also brake much later in the corners punting you off and if they do manage to get past then they stand on the brakes mid corner so you run in the back of them.
Large pile ups on the first lap mostly first corner, also corner cutting by AI.

I haven't noticed this recently had some pretty good AI races, they do use a different tyre model so have better grip at certain times than the player overall much improved from the first game but not perfect

Game save setup is a confusing mess and half the time doesn't work.
End qualifying early and AI set impossible times.

Can't argue with that although they did say they have a fix for the setup issues, will wait and see

Having to go into the hud menu and save the virtual mirror every session or you won't have it in cockpit view.
lack of random start lights allowing anticipation and ramming as in pC1.

I use VR so don't use virtual mirror and I'm not sure what the random start lights thing is...

It is overall more stable in fact I've had no pc crashes for months and they seem to have just fixed the constant tire smoke in corners.

Tyre smoke is there if you overheat the tyres in long corners, I think it's a heat triggered thing...

Welcome to the 21st century gaming industry, games released to a deadline with bugs that get fixed with patches post release...I don't like it but I'd say it's generally in a very good place
Better optimised than PC1 overall, UI is simpler and cleaner, very good indeed in 980ti labours less in PC2 on like for like combos but that's not entirely scientific as I haven't checked all settings are identical when i run back to back tests. HUD needs to be adjusted because the times list usually sits where the wing mirror is...minor issue really. Some replay glitches are specific to VR
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