Project Helca Yár

So my motherboard just had a bent pin (just the one... No idea how I managed that) but itll be back to me soon and I can build my pc (minus loop c'mon ocuk get the pump top in stock! D: )
So I got my motherboard back... And I still have restart issues! :( tried booting with 1 stick of RAM (twice with two different sticks) still having problems. Its not possible the cpu is causing the issue is it?
Not quite sure about that, seems a bit suspicious if its happening on two different boards.

Does it restart before it hits windows or when in windows?
Ok so I got the rest of my stuff! (minus one fitting but at least I can start planning my loop properly now :D) this will be the hardest part due to where I plan to put my 120mm rad I'm not quite sure where I'm going to put the pump currently :/ Pics sometime soon... trying to sort my motherboard out still.
Going to have to add a couple of modifications to my CM storm trooper to be able to have the res where I want it to be etc (GG to hard drives but who needs those anyway?!) this will be interesting and quite the challenge. Going to figure out how to still have my 2x fans as front intake whilst they are no longer on the HDD bays as well as how to still have flow throw the case as well! things got a lot more interesting as Im sure you can all tell :p
Yea, can always drop a hard drive in one of the 5.25inc bays with an adapter. Did you ever consider modding the roof to get a 360 in there btw?

Looking forward to seeing some photos fella!
Ahah well basically I'm taking out both HDD bays (I don't really need a lot of file space tbh got an external anyway) and using this (holes need drilling out just a tad so the M4 mounting screws for my res fit grr! but oh well! (the three holes in the dead center part of the HDD bay mount = the ones to be drilled out theres 2 of these and it'll give me a lot of space to work with) started somewhat planning my loop now at least.. if OCuk manage to send my last fitting before the weekend I can get everything going finally! But I doubt that'll happen :/


I would mod it to fit a 360mm rad but maybe at a later date I'm more than happy to have a 240mm for now (plus where would I put this beauty if I did put a 360mm rad in? be a bit of a tight fit?)


Considering putting the temprature sensors around my case. Think it's worth the hassle?
Also got to figure out a way to still have my 2x 120mm coolermaster fans at the front of the case (they are currently mounted to my HDD bays... I'm sure I can figure something out)

Had a play about with my 4x scythes and it seems that 1200RPM is the sweet spot for noise. Will hope that has a decent enough temprature level once I get the other 3 I have mounted on my rads. :p This weekend will be an interesting one mainly full of planning it out and possibly a dry loop setup if I'm lucky!

Also got to figure out what I'm doing with my pump might try to find some aliminium thats the same black as my case and use where the tool box use to slide as a place to fit the little sheet and have the pump on that... the biggest problem would be the aliminium finding :/
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Also whilst I'm at it, my res has 1 inlet at the top 3x outlets at the bottom which confuses me... would it be safe to somehow have the inlet at the same kind of level as the outlets? I meant to take pics to show what I mean but I forgot and I'm rather tired currently :/
Don't worry my younger brother managed it. Ill just need to heat it up when it comes to build day. Hit a bit of a snag... Seems one of the screws for my waterblocks backplate came with a bit of a manufacturing fault.. Guess Ill need to email Koolance about that :/
And finally... Got home from work and got to do somethings (at least) :p here's a pic... not great but you can see my 670 has the block on and I've put the CPU block on finally :D


I'm putting the res in the 5.25" bays once I get the modifications I need made to the side parts of the bay area. Which will be monday. Going to flush my rads tomorrow and get them + the fans installed. Then almost finished... will be missing 1 compression fitting... hope OCUk get stock soon.
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Its getting there fella! i must admit you do seem to be on a streak of bad luck in regards to this build. Will all be worth it when its finished though!
Indeed! need my last fitting and then it'll all be together! Getting some LED's and modding my case a little to mount my Pump + res but it should be quite a decent build :)
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